Edit colorbar of heatmap (string)
Is it possible to add a label to that colour bar which is directly created in a heatmap? I mean we can tag a SURF plot (the colo...
Edit colorbar of heatmap (string)
Is it possible to add a label to that colour bar which is directly created in a heatmap? I mean we can tag a SURF plot (the colo...
1年以上 前 | 0
Add legend to scatter
Dear all, I am having issues meanwhile I attempt adding legend to my SCATTER figure, I use this line of code legend ({'k1_{Win...
Add legend to scatter
Dear all, I am having issues meanwhile I attempt adding legend to my SCATTER figure, I use this line of code legend ({'k1_{Win...
1年以上 前 | 0
Error using rmdir for deleting slprj folder
I would like to know why this rmdir comand does not work properly, this is the script made for deleting some variables and also ...
2年弱 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
How to draw the values of a comma-separated list with 100 values?
Dear Mathlab Collaborators, I am trying to draw some information from an struct format unsuccessfully, the software retrieve ...
約2年 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
How to customise the zlabel?
Dear all, I have this figure but I want to change zlabel which is currently numbers by labels, such as A, B, C, D, and E. Could...
2年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
How to insert both value and percentage in pie chart?
Dear all, I just want to know how to insert in the same pie chart the values that comprise the already presented percentage? ...
2年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
how to maintaing the last value of a variable to be used in the next loop cycle of a simulation?
Dear all, I just wondering how to extract/save the last value registered from a time-series, to furtherly use it in the followi...
3年弱 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
is it possible to further plot Figures previously saved in .fig or .png mode?
Dear all, I just want to create a subplot graph, using files .fig or .png (or whichever you advice me to save) for generating...
3年弱 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Why is not the second tag in the legend?
Dear all, I have been attempting to set the two legends at the boxplot, but there might be something wrong in my code since t...
3年弱 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
How can I replace the three YLABEL (degree of membership) to only one?
Dear Mathcoders, I am digging into this issue, I just want to: remove the three independent YLABELs (degree of membership) ...
3年弱 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
What migh be producing these huge amount of Warnings in my FL control?
Dear all, I have a battery control using Fuzzy Logic, it seems to be working properly, but I am receiving a tons of warnings ...
約3年 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
How to set names to each colunm and row using "writematrix"?
Dear Mathcoders, I just wonder how to name the colunms and rows of table done by using writematrix, have not found a workarou...
約3年 前 | 2 件の回答 | 0
Is it possible to change dynamically the PATH?
Dear Mathcoders, I have this issue, form time to time I switch from two different PCs and even I have backed everything on Git...
約3年 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
What might be happening that produces losses of about 20% when using Simplified Model of a Small Scale Micro-Grid example?
Dear Mathlab collaborators, I hope you can help me to comprehend in this example of Simulink, when using Simplified Model of a ...
3年以上 前 | 0 件の回答 | 0
How to get rid of this warning which point at extra entries?
Dear all, I want to know why do I receive the following warning if my code is not in a loop? Warning: Ignoring extra legend e...
3年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Error plotting a bar graph because Assigning to 2 elements using a simple assignment statement is not supported.
Dear Mathcoders, I have been striving with this code, but I don find the way to make it without producing this error, I have f...
3年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
How to plot multiple plots in a for loop without overwriting them?
Hello all, I have been striving to plot the irradiance vector and its corresponding impact over the SOC of the battery, but i...
3年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
How to solve this issue Variable 'X' is not fully defined on some execution paths.
Dear All, I have a code into a MATLABFUNCTION block of Simulink that jump out this error message " Variable 'CONDICIONTRAMO' ...
3年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
How to plot two bar plot in the same figure?
Dear all, I am wondering how to make a figure in matlab composed by two bar plots, the first contentive of several vaklues I wa...
3年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Warning with FLC this makes my model slow down
Dear Mathcoders, Could you mind sharing with me a piece of advice for diminishing/supressing this warning? because this reduce...
4年弱 前 | 0 件の回答 | 0
Do anyone know how to read ".nc" data?
Dear mathcoders, I have been searching how to read a file downloaded from Copernicus its extension is .nc I was attempting t...
4年弱 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Dear coders, I have this issue marked on the figure, it seems as if I was introducing a differnt value but it is not, The...
4年弱 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
how to add a label to a contourf plot next to colourbar?
Hello mathcoders, I want to add a label next to the colourbar for adding the variable's name, how can I do it?. The resulting ...
4年弱 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
How to solve this issue with "libmat.dll'?
Hi all, I compiled a simulink model using the function "rtwbuild('Name of simulink model')" but when have attempted to execute ...
約4年 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Is it possible use a battery in Simulink?
Dear all, I am modeling a power microgrid model, like the example "power_microgrid", however, I wonder wether is feasible inter...
約4年 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
How can I merge 6 same-size vectors in simulink to obtain only one output?
Dear All, I am seeking a block to produce only one output after merging 6 inputs, I expect to obtain the sum of the six inputs ...
約4年 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Why my vars become to NaN?
Dear Coders, I have been testing the following code section by section and at first glance it worked properly, but when I have ...
4年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Why the function mean does not return only one plot rather than 31?
Dear Coders, I have an issue I am trying to obtain only one profile per month, so I want to make a day-average per month, but...
4年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Problem to read multiple .csv in a loop for.
Hi all, I have one problem to read multiple ."csv" tables and also process them because appears this error message "Error usi...
4年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Why this for does not avance to the second CSV
Hi all, I am working with the extraction of a csv column, and removin NaN, and later I try to accumulate in an array because t...
4年以上 前 | 0 件の回答 | 0