Parameswaran Bose
2014 年からアクティブ
Followers: 0 Following: 0
Professional Interests: Cryptography, Steganography, Chaos Encryption
fracational runge kutta method
Hi, Kind Regards. I want to solve fractional order Lorenz, fractional order lorenz hyper chaotic maps using fourth order runge-k...
約10年 前 | 0 件の回答 | 0
Combining (Sound File with a video file) and (reading certain interval of a sound file)
Hi maher, The following command will help you for the second question. ffmpeg -ss 10 -i file.mp3 -t 40 ofile.mp3 ...
Combining (Sound File with a video file) and (reading certain interval of a sound file)
Hi maher, The following command will help you for the second question. ffmpeg -ss 10 -i file.mp3 -t 40 ofile.mp3 ...
約10年 前 | 0
Combining (Sound File with a video file) and (reading certain interval of a sound file)
Hi Mohamed Maher, This is a very simple task with ffmpeg api. I don't know how to do it in matlab. You can down...
Combining (Sound File with a video file) and (reading certain interval of a sound file)
Hi Mohamed Maher, This is a very simple task with ffmpeg api. I don't know how to do it in matlab. You can down...
約10年 前 | 0
| 採用済み
i want to hide an image into audio file
hi, you can hide an image with audio file. Since I don't know matlab coding, I want to know more details about your problem...
i want to hide an image into audio file
hi, you can hide an image with audio file. Since I don't know matlab coding, I want to know more details about your problem...
10年以上 前 | 0
i hide a text into an image by using lsb algorithm successfully..now i want to retrive the txt from the stegno image by the same algorithm..how can i retrieve the text
Hi, I have done message hiding with image by using java, since I don't have matlab coding knowledge, I will give you the tex...
i hide a text into an image by using lsb algorithm successfully..now i want to retrive the txt from the stegno image by the same algorithm..how can i retrieve the text
Hi, I have done message hiding with image by using java, since I don't have matlab coding knowledge, I will give you the tex...
10年以上 前 | 0
How can I solve fractional order lorenz, fractional order lorenz hyper chaotic maps using runge-kutta method
Hi, Kind Regards. I want to solve fractional order Lorenz, fractional order lorenz hyper chaotic maps using fourth order run...
10年以上 前 | 0 件の回答 | 0