Supreeth Subbaraya
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I am an Application Support Engineer at Mathworks. I am an Electrical Engineer by education. Professional Interests: Robotics, Embedded Systems
MATLAB Answers
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Four unresolved external symbol when generating static library for function "pcdownsample"
This issue is because a few of the libraries required are not linked. Here is a workaround you can try to resolve the issue: Ob...
Four unresolved external symbol when generating static library for function "pcdownsample"
This issue is because a few of the libraries required are not linked. Here is a workaround you can try to resolve the issue: Ob...
約1年 前 | 0
| 採用済み
Unable to return currency data for a specific date or period with yahoo
You can only access the present currency data using the yahoo fetch command. fetch(yahoo,'EURUSD=X'); This returns the ...
Unable to return currency data for a specific date or period with yahoo
You can only access the present currency data using the yahoo fetch command. fetch(yahoo,'EURUSD=X'); This returns the ...
10年以上 前 | 0
How can I apply alpha on pcolor without altering the data
Before the "hold off" line in your code instead of the command, set(e2,'facealpha',1) I guess it should be, set(e2...
How can I apply alpha on pcolor without altering the data
Before the "hold off" line in your code instead of the command, set(e2,'facealpha',1) I guess it should be, set(e2...
10年以上 前 | 0
how to get the values from netcdf to ascii format through matlab?
Take a look at the function < ncread>. Here you can specify the indices of t...
how to get the values from netcdf to ascii format through matlab?
Take a look at the function < ncread>. Here you can specify the indices of t...
10年以上 前 | 0
How can I apply alpha on pcolor without altering the data
This seems to be an issue with the renderer. Change the renderer to |zbuffer| or |painters| and see if the result is what you ex...
How can I apply alpha on pcolor without altering the data
This seems to be an issue with the renderer. Change the renderer to |zbuffer| or |painters| and see if the result is what you ex...
10年以上 前 | 0
How to detection score using Naive Bayes classifier?
Once you have the trained model, you can use the function |predict| to classify your test data into one of the classes. The docu...
How to detection score using Naive Bayes classifier?
Once you have the trained model, you can use the function |predict| to classify your test data into one of the classes. The docu...
10年以上 前 | 0
Why does the marker size change randomly?
This is happening because your renderer is changing from |painters| to |zbuffer|. You can check this by putting the following li...
Why does the marker size change randomly?
This is happening because your renderer is changing from |painters| to |zbuffer|. You can check this by putting the following li...
10年以上 前 | 1
| 採用済み
mutiple reading and writing of date and time
To obtain an output like you mentioned, you can use the following code. DateVector = [Year Month Day Hour Minute Second] ...
mutiple reading and writing of date and time
To obtain an output like you mentioned, you can use the following code. DateVector = [Year Month Day Hour Minute Second] ...
10年以上 前 | 0
movegui / OpeningFcn / simple Question / no need for more words :}
When you are calling the second gui, assign it to a handle, for example, h = callToSecondGui; Then use the |movegui| fun...
movegui / OpeningFcn / simple Question / no need for more words :}
When you are calling the second gui, assign it to a handle, for example, h = callToSecondGui; Then use the |movegui| fun...
10年以上 前 | 0
| 採用済み
How do I plot a US state using the mapping toolbox?
To plot a US State and points on it, you could something as shown below: %Read vector features and attributes from shapefil...
How do I plot a US state using the mapping toolbox?
To plot a US State and points on it, you could something as shown below: %Read vector features and attributes from shapefil...
10年以上 前 | 0
| 採用済み
Geographic coordinate to Image coordinate
You should use the |georasterref| function to create geographic raster reference object. For example, R = georasterref('Lat...
Geographic coordinate to Image coordinate
You should use the |georasterref| function to create geographic raster reference object. For example, R = georasterref('Lat...
10年以上 前 | 1
| 採用済み
How to rotate a bounding box at a location
You can perform the rotation and translation using the functions |hgtransform| and |makehgtform|. The documentation and the exam...
How to rotate a bounding box at a location
You can perform the rotation and translation using the functions |hgtransform| and |makehgtform|. The documentation and the exam...
10年以上 前 | 1
| 採用済み
read a range of values using dlmread
The "a" vector is exceeding in the number of columns a csv file can hold. You can store the vector as a column vector as opposed...
read a range of values using dlmread
The "a" vector is exceeding in the number of columns a csv file can hold. You can store the vector as a column vector as opposed...
10年以上 前 | 0
Setting handle within multiple axes with GUIDE?
The current axes handle (gca) is set to a axes of a subplot that is clicked on. So you do not need the “ |Windowbuttonupfcn| ” c...
Setting handle within multiple axes with GUIDE?
The current axes handle (gca) is set to a axes of a subplot that is clicked on. So you do not need the “ |Windowbuttonupfcn| ” c...
10年以上 前 | 0