2012 年からアクティブ
Followers: 0 Following: 0
Professional Interests: GUI programming
Problem: plot is displayed in the whole gui window instead of in the axes object.
it is not a suitable way in GUI programming. just make a handles.axes1 (Axis) in your GUI and whenever you want to plot someth...
Problem: plot is displayed in the whole gui window instead of in the axes object.
it is not a suitable way in GUI programming. just make a handles.axes1 (Axis) in your GUI and whenever you want to plot someth...
9年以上 前 | 0
plotyy issue with 'bar' graph, not scaling correctly?
I plot your data and it become like bellow: <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/36184/Untitled0.png>> but with change ...
plotyy issue with 'bar' graph, not scaling correctly?
I plot your data and it become like bellow: <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/36184/Untitled0.png>> but with change ...
9年以上 前 | 0
| 採用済み
How can we display a graph in axis of matlab GUI by pressing another button(say display)?
just create another button and use like below if you several axes function Clear_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handl...
How can we display a graph in axis of matlab GUI by pressing another button(say display)?
just create another button and use like below if you several axes function Clear_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handl...
9年以上 前 | 0
How can we display a graph in axis of matlab GUI by pressing another button(say display)?
just create another button and use like below if you several axes function Clear_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) ...
How can we display a graph in axis of matlab GUI by pressing another button(say display)?
just create another button and use like below if you several axes function Clear_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) ...
9年以上 前 | 0
How can we display a graph in axis of matlab GUI by pressing another button(say display)?
just create another button and use like below if you several axes function Clear_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) a...
How can we display a graph in axis of matlab GUI by pressing another button(say display)?
just create another button and use like below if you several axes function Clear_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) a...
9年以上 前 | 0
how to use function handle
if you are using the GUI of Matlab in the figure-Ispector find the WindowsButtonMotionFcn and create its function then pregame i...
how to use function handle
if you are using the GUI of Matlab in the figure-Ispector find the WindowsButtonMotionFcn and create its function then pregame i...
9年以上 前 | 0
How to write a method which will take fig1.fig as a input file and it will produce corresponding x-coordinate and y-coordinate of plotted figure in x and y vector?
answered here http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/100687-how-do-i-extract-data-from-matlab-figures
How to write a method which will take fig1.fig as a input file and it will produce corresponding x-coordinate and y-coordinate of plotted figure in x and y vector?
answered here http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/100687-how-do-i-extract-data-from-matlab-figures
9年以上 前 | 0
writing series values in excel file columns using matlab
Here is the simple way: x = {'Enter name for excel file :'}; y = 'Entery.'; z ...
writing series values in excel file columns using matlab
Here is the simple way: x = {'Enter name for excel file :'}; y = 'Entery.'; z ...
9年以上 前 | 0
How I can select the maximum number in my filename?
Change your code like below: clc,clear all dinfo = dir('net*.mat'); filenames = {dinfo.name};...
How I can select the maximum number in my filename?
Change your code like below: clc,clear all dinfo = dir('net*.mat'); filenames = {dinfo.name};...
9年以上 前 | 1
how to change the background in imshow from black to white
try this save your picture like Untitled.png on your desktop and then call it from MATLAB like below: clc,clear all A = i...
how to change the background in imshow from black to white
try this save your picture like Untitled.png on your desktop and then call it from MATLAB like below: clc,clear all A = i...
9年以上 前 | 1
How do I find the handle to the colorbar for a specific axes
use the specific term for each color bar before making them like: t = colorbar('peer',gca,'Tag','colorbar1'); get(t) <...
How do I find the handle to the colorbar for a specific axes
use the specific term for each color bar before making them like: t = colorbar('peer',gca,'Tag','colorbar1'); get(t) <...
9年以上 前 | 0
How can we display a graph in axis of matlab GUI by pressing another button(say display)?
for that purpose u need to set axes as a current axis to plot1 for example: (Start is that button that must plot the data on ax...
How can we display a graph in axis of matlab GUI by pressing another button(say display)?
for that purpose u need to set axes as a current axis to plot1 for example: (Start is that button that must plot the data on ax...
9年以上 前 | 0
| 採用済み
Undefined function or method 'erfc' for input arguments of type 'sym'.??plz help
I tested your code with MATLAB2014 and it's OK. The result is like below. <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/35906/Unti...
Undefined function or method 'erfc' for input arguments of type 'sym'.??plz help
I tested your code with MATLAB2014 and it's OK. The result is like below. <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/35906/Unti...
9年以上 前 | 0
please help me to find out mathmatical function between X and Y
please help me to find out mathmatical function between X and Y
9年以上 前 | 0
| 採用済み
finding mathematical function of set of points
plot your data by below format: X=[1,3,5,7,8,9,23,25,30] Y=[1,3,5,7,9,12,13,17,20] plot(X,Y) then from ---tools fi...
finding mathematical function of set of points
plot your data by below format: X=[1,3,5,7,8,9,23,25,30] Y=[1,3,5,7,9,12,13,17,20] plot(X,Y) then from ---tools fi...
9年以上 前 | 13
call notepad or textdoc to open a *.txt file from matlabRemove
How can I provoke(run) Notepad or Textdoc to open a *.txt file after save it in the specific folder?
12年弱 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
getting all specific file names in path?
Try this: But you have to enter the path in command line and in the '' like ==> ' YourPath ' %============================...
getting all specific file names in path?
Try this: But you have to enter the path in command line and in the '' like ==> ' YourPath ' %============================...
約12年 前 | 0
Separating elements in Length vectors
what is your MATLAB version? I write this in MATLAB 2012b and it is work to find out each value, how many times repeated. ...
Separating elements in Length vectors
what is your MATLAB version? I write this in MATLAB 2012b and it is work to find out each value, how many times repeated. ...
約12年 前 | 0
Separating elements in Length vectors
clc,clear format long Length = [ 1.02219692622952 8.29383522727246 17.3975329545455 26.5394026041666 37.41314488636...
Separating elements in Length vectors
clc,clear format long Length = [ 1.02219692622952 8.29383522727246 17.3975329545455 26.5394026041666 37.41314488636...
約12年 前 | 0
How do I close a specific figure
In the section of simulation use these line: handles.H = figure(2) plot(rand(10,1)); waitforbuttonpress; close(handl...
How do I close a specific figure
In the section of simulation use these line: handles.H = figure(2) plot(rand(10,1)); waitforbuttonpress; close(handl...
約12年 前 | 1
salam , I have a problem in hide password in GUI can any one to help me my problem( I can write **** in my edit text but when press in backspace show* don't delele ) please help me .
your edit accept string that has the specific length: try this: find your Edit box Tag and place it instead of : 'your edit b...
salam , I have a problem in hide password in GUI can any one to help me my problem( I can write **** in my edit text but when press in backspace show* don't delele ) please help me .
your edit accept string that has the specific length: try this: find your Edit box Tag and place it instead of : 'your edit b...
約12年 前 | 0
Convert GUI file to C++ /C# to make stand-alone application by visual studio
Hi I create GUI and I need to convert it to C++ and then by visual studio compile it to create stand alone application without ...
約12年 前 | 0 件の回答 | 0
get line plot data just by mouse stay on it (without click)
I plot my data and I need to show data (Y) in text box when I put the mouse cursor on it (without click), is there any fuction t...
約12年 前 | 3 件の回答 | 0
Change logo of stand alone application file (*.exe) (Make personal logo for *.exe)
I want to change logo of MATLAB before making compile and create stand alone application (*.exe). After creating exe file MATLA...
約12年 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
How can I write and save *.txt file by the *.m file in the specific path like C:\folder1\rio.txt
I wanna save *.txt file in specific location like C:\folder1\rio.txt that does not exit and I want to creat root its by m-file...
約12年 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
How can I make auto deletable my Main-GUI (*.exe) programm in specific date/time to prevent extra use?
Hi I write the GUI code and make it as *.exe (stand alone application). But I want to delete main file (*.exe) in specific date...
12年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0