
Vladimir Sovkov

St. Petersburg State University

Last seen: 28日 前 2014 年からアクティブ

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Professional Interests: computational physics, applied mathematics


  • Personal Best Downloads Level 1
  • 6 Month Streak
  • Knowledgeable Level 4
  • First Submission
  • Solver
  • First Answer




How do I uninstall MathWorks Products on Windows when the uninstaller fails?
I have a similar but somewhat different problem. For a couple of years, I used Matlab 2019b with Windows 10. This year I decided...

3年弱 前 | 2

How to fit to an infinite series function?
An iterative solution instead of the symbolic one can be more productive this case, like this one x=[0 5 10 15 20 30 45 60 75 9...

3年以上 前 | 0

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How to average columns of matrix without loop?

4年弱 前 | 0

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When i try this sym('x')^y i get an error message
You cannot compute this directly because the integers are larger than matlab is able to treat. You can try b = sym(log10(18008...

4年弱 前 | 1

How to plot step functions in Matlab
syms x; y=piecewise(x<0,0, 0<=x<2*pi,exp(-x).*cos(x), x>=2*pi,2*exp(-x).*cos(x)); t=linspace(-pi,4*pi,1000); plot(t,subs(y,x,...

4年弱 前 | 0

Adding or subtracting the same number
n=4; % array length x=zeros(1,n); % sample array d=0.4; % value to be added/subtracted k=rand(1,n); % uniformly random number...

4年弱 前 | 1

How to plot complicated exponential function 4.82 (1 + 0.35 e^ −4.07t ) / (1 − 0.35 e^−4.07t) on matlab
Use the element-wise division when computing y: y = ((4.8184) * (1 + 0.3497.*exp(-4.0719.*x))) ./ (1 - 0.3497.*exp(-4.0719.*x))...

4年弱 前 | 1

make different numbers with the same digits
x=1342; y=str2num(sort(num2str(x),'ascend')); % smaller z=str2num(sort(num2str(x),'descend')); % bigger

4年弱 前 | 0

is it possible to write a code that examine and analyze that a data in vector having 100 values, so recognize that if one or two very high as compare to other data?
This is known as the problem of locating outliers. Various approaches were proposed. E.g., the one based on the median absolute ...

4年弱 前 | 0

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flip the sign at zero crossing point
Data1 = [1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0]; k=find(~Data1); if ~isempty(k) if k(end)<numel(Data1) k(end+1)=numel(Data1)...

約4年 前 | 0

Issue with 'for' loop - trying to iterate through and change certain values to 0 in array
If the equality must be exact, just x_results(x_results==.3095)=0; and nothing else (sometimes can produce an incorrect result...

約4年 前 | 0

How can I create a script that calculates this combinatorial?

約4年 前 | 0

Specify eigenvector for eigs
Matlab documentation: 'StartVector' — Initial starting vector random vector (default) | vector Initial starting vector, spe...

約4年 前 | 0

How to "wrap text" on pushbutton string?
Use the cell array with entries containing text fragments to be shown in separate strings.

約4年 前 | 0

how to implement the algorithm for approximating Cosine using the Taylor series
syms theta n=4; taylor(cos(theta),'Order',n)

約4年 前 | 0

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Is there any way to accelerate the solving of a series of large sparse positive definite linear equations "Ax=b" with same "A" and different "b"?
It depends... Besides inv(A), you can try A\eye(n), pinv(A)--all of them are equivalent for a well-conditioned A and different ...

約4年 前 | 0

Is there any method to calculate the inverse of matrix which changed a few values?
I am not sure how much profitable it is numerically, but the Sherman Morrison theorem can be a way, see

約4年 前 | 1

What does ''all'' mean in M = min(A, []. ''all'') ?
All this is fairly well described in the matlab documentation. min(min(A)) and min(A, [], ''all'') are equivalent for 1D and 2D ...

約4年 前 | 0

If I have multiple function, then how can I get the function of min(fun1,fun2,fun3,...)?
xmin=min([R1(x(:)');R2(x(:)');...]); % to get a correct result, the argument must be a row-vector: x(:)' turns any input array t...

約4年 前 | 0

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Is there a bug in the if function
This is not a bug in the if function but an artefact of the rounding of the matlab bit-wise arithmetics. To avoid this effect, s...

約4年 前 | 0

Angle between two lines in frontal plane
If, as it looks in the figure, (...Y) are the verticle coordinates and (...Z) are the horizontal coordinates, then the basic geo...

約4年 前 | 1

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solve function give a wrong solution
syms x solv = double(solve( (1+x/12)^12 == 1.02)) There are many solutions. The one you are interested in is rather 0.01981897...

約4年 前 | 0

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How to see the current value of the variable in "fminsearch" optimization?
optimset('Display','iter'); From Matlab documentation: 'Display' — Level of display 'notify' (default) | 'final' | 'off' | 'n...

約4年 前 | 0

showing the distance between the two plots on two curves at regular intervals on the same plot
t=0:0.2:10; % avoid loops wherenever possible, use element-wise operations instead x=t.^2; y=0.5*x+10; % the same as "y=0.5*t...

約4年 前 | 0

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Writing into .txt file
T = [v angle_random]; % this is if you want a 2-column file save('random_cylind.txt','T','-ascii','-double'); % explore availab...

約4年 前 | 0

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Debugging using external editor

約4年 前 | 0

How do I record the location of a specific value in a set of data?
a=[0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0]; k=find(a==1,1)

4年以上 前 | 0

How to Convert 3d matrix to row matrix???
a=rand(2,2,2) % a sample 3D matrix a b=a(:)' % is turned to the 1D row matrix b

4年以上 前 | 2

Plot the trapeoidal waveform using given equations
syms theta y=piecewise(... 0<=theta<2*pi/3,1,... 2*pi/3<=theta<pi,(1-6/pi*(theta-2*pi/3)),... pi<=theta<5*pi/3,-...

4年以上 前 | 0

How to draw an ellipse
The code discussed at

4年以上 前 | 0
