axesm ('eqaazim' + longitude ticket label to not be on the line of the axes?
<</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/107867/Capture.JPG>> Hey, I am using c=axesm('eqaazim','MapLatLimit',[30.1 90],'GL...
約7年 前 | 0 件の回答 | 0
How to map just USA border (Conus) and not the states with the usamap or worldmap?
Hi, My problem is usamap plots states as well. Or cut part of the southern states when I just plotted the orders. Worldmap, p...
8年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
extract part of a string with an extension
Hi, I have a long string and I want to just exctract the names that have "hdf" as an extension: I want just to get "MOD11C1....
10年以上 前 | 2 件の回答 | 0
How do I automatically download files from http server? urlread urlwrite
Hi, I know urlread and urlwrite to download files form server but my problem is how I can specify parts of a string resulting...
10年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Combining files and mapping them using x and y coordinates
Hi if you already figured it out, would you please help me? I have the exact same question! THanks
Combining files and mapping them using x and y coordinates
Hi if you already figured it out, would you please help me? I have the exact same question! THanks
10年以上 前 | 0
I have problem with detevec.
Hi, I want to read a='7/17/10 20:36' from excel to MATLAB. b=datevec(a,'mm/dd/yy HH:MM'); I did that but I ended up ...
約12年 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
How to change the x ticket lables in a plot?
Hi, I have : x=1:12 %the index of months y=x.^2; plot(x,y) No I want to change the position of x labels from below th...
12年以上 前 | 2 件の回答 | 0
sorting vector with duplicated values in it.
Hey All, I have a vector that I want to sort but remove the duplicated values. I know I can do that with "unique"but I need t...
12年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
change the color of multi lines in a graph
I have a function in a loop in which something plots and hold on the previous ones. After the loop I have a figure with 6 line (...
12年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
How can I find and put zero for missinf data in a time series?
Hi all I have a 30 years of hourly data. Some of the data are missing. It means that I do not have data for example for 1 PM ...
12年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
question about fun defining
I want to create this fun as below: R=rand(100); diff=rand(25); sum_r1=rand(25);; fun =@(x) x(:)+x(:).*diff(:)...
12年以上 前 | 0 件の回答 | 0
im2col error in size
Hi this is my code: R=rand(162,72); r=im2col(R,[2 2],'sliding'); R1=col2im(r,[2 2],size(R),'sliding'); the size of ...
12年以上 前 | 2 件の回答 | 1
up sampling a matrix with non-zero elements.
Hello I have a matrix A(100 by 100) and I want to upsample the matrix (not by zero arrays) in a way the each cell is replicat...
12年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
std of a logical matrix
I have a 2d matrix (100 by 4 )and I want to calculate the std for each 100 by 1 non-zero vector of this matrix,. But when i wrot...
12年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Standard deviation of a 3-d matrix
hi I have a matrix with size(y)=(200*1*4). I want to calculate the std for each (200*1) vector separately. When I used "std(y(...
12年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
how can I calculate the Fourier Transform of an image for different angles?
Hi I have an image and I want to plot the Fourier coefficient for different angles of an Image? I know the command is fft2 b...
12年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
get rid of NaNs
actually it was an simple example. But I want to remove rows with all NaNa and then remove the same rows from another matrix acc...
get rid of NaNs
actually it was an simple example. But I want to remove rows with all NaNa and then remove the same rows from another matrix acc...
13年弱 前 | 0
get rid of NaNs
I have two matrix A and B I want to remove all row and columns with all NaNa in matrix A and accordingly delete the same row an...
13年弱 前 | 3 件の回答 | 0
create a matrix!
Hello I have row=[1 2]; col=[10 11 13 ]; I want to have b=[10 11 13; 10 11 13] How can i do that? ...
13年弱 前 | 2 件の回答 | 0
sort a vecrtor
I have a vector: a = [1 5 7 2 6 8 9 0 2] and b=[5 8 1 0 3 6 9 8 2] (both have the same size) I want to sort vector 'a' and acco...
13年弱 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
delete zeros rows and columns
I try this code to delete all row and column with all zero values in them. It simply works for deleting the columns with all zer...
13年弱 前 | 3 件の回答 | 7
seleting some part of matrix
Q = randi(456,10,15); row=[1 2 5 4 3 6]; column=[5 7 3 4 8 14]; p = Q(row,column); P = zeros(size(Q)); P(1:nume...
13年弱 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
put a some small matrix in a big matris
I have a problem. I have a big matrix that in each loop I search for some data that satisfy some conditions. The result of "find...
13年弱 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
put smaller matrix in bigger matrix
Hello I have row=[1 2 5 4 3 6] and column=[5 7 3 4 8 14]. I want to select and put each Q(row,column) in a new data. for exampl...
13年弱 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
find x subjected to some limit.
I want to to find a<=x<b and c<=y<d in a matrix. But simply I can't. I would appreciate if you help me.
13年弱 前 | 1 件の回答 | 1
delete zeros rows and columns
data( all( ~any( data), 2 ), : ) = []; % removes all rows with all zero data( :, all( ~any( data ), 1 ) ) = []; % and col...
delete zeros rows and columns
data( all( ~any( data), 2 ), : ) = []; % removes all rows with all zero data( :, all( ~any( data ), 1 ) ) = []; % and col...
13年弱 前 | 1
select a band of a matrix
Hello I want to select a band of a matrix with slop (S) and save them in another matrix. a = [ 1 2 3 4 ...
13年弱 前 | 2 件の回答 | 0
How can I convert all NaNs to Zero in the image?
Converting all NaNs to zero in an image is my problem.
13年弱 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
delete NaN rows and columns but
I want to remove the NaN column and row in my image so the size will be decreased, but since I used the "find' command it Matlab...
13年弱 前 | 2 件の回答 | 0