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isotropic expansion for a mask with anisotropic voxels
i did used imdilate. I created an isotrpic space with 1x1x1 vox_a = voxelSize; % Original voxel size (anisotropic) vox_b = [...
isotropic expansion for a mask with anisotropic voxels
i did used imdilate. I created an isotrpic space with 1x1x1 vox_a = voxelSize; % Original voxel size (anisotropic) vox_b = [...
6ヶ月 前 | 0
isotropic expansion for a mask with anisotropic voxels
Hello, I'm trying to expand my mask by 2 mm in all direction ( isotropic expansion) but my voxels are anisotropic ( x and y are...
6ヶ月 前 | 2 件の回答 | 0
how to plot the dose volume histogram using dose map and the mask?
Hello, I'm trying to calculate the DVH using MATLAB. I already have create the mask (RTstruc) and the dose map (RTdose). I cre...
11ヶ月 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
how to expand a ROI in a DICOM image in MATLAB
I have a dicom contour file, I was able to create dicomcontour object now I want to expand one of the ROIs that I have what's th...
約1年 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0