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Importing files in bulk chnages table columns to NaNs
Avoid the inner loop: T = load('T.mat').T if width(T)>=37 V = str2double(string(T{:,37})); V(isnan(V)) = 0; T =...

5日 前 | 0

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order using first column in array cell
The basic problem is that you are storing scalar strings in a cell array. This should be avoided: "If you create variables that ...

6日 前 | 0

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Extract two floating point numbers from a string
T = '23.047°S 67.782°W 9.876°N 5.432°E' ; V = sscanf(regexprep(T,{'(\S+)°[SW]','(\S+)°[NE]'},{'-$1','+$1'}),'%f')

7日 前 | 1

Parse csv with complex numbers written by Python numpy
Forget about fiddling about with strings. Define the parentheses as delimiters and import as numeric: format short G M = readm...

10日 前 | 0

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Taking outer product of two matrices
"However, the ⊗ operator between ∇ and u isn't the simple multiplication operator *." The Wikipedia page you linked to states "...

11日 前 | 0

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Not enough input arguments
"I am a little perplexed by this warning from matlab: "Not enough input arguments" for my following code" Lets take a look at h...

16日 前 | 0

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why does it change the number when using VPA?
"why does it change the number when using VPA?" It doesn't. That "loss of digits" is completely unrelated to VPA. The change o...

16日 前 | 2

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How can I use the data of a set of matrices labelled in order
"Thank you also for pointing about about dynamic variables, but as a beginner I am lacking options." You decided to use LOAD, s...

16日 前 | 0

i have a csv with data separated with commas and columns also are separated with commas
T = fileread('piloto.csv') T = regexprep(T,',(\d+e)','\.$1') % you could also save this to a proper CSV file C = textscan(T,''...

16日 前 | 0

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extract multiple slices of difference sizes from a vector
The MATLAB approach: A = [1 4 6 5 4 8 7 8 6 4]; N = [2 3 5]; C = mat2cell(A,1,N); Checking: C{:}

17日 前 | 0

How to read lines from cell
S = readlines('T04102.txt'); X = find(startsWith(S,'PID 01')); F = @(x) regexp(S(x:x+3),'[01]{4}\s+[01]{4}','once','match'); ...

18日 前 | 0

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Why is str2num not recommended when it is faster in certain circumstances?
"Why is str2num not recommended when it is faster in certain circumstances?" Because it relies on EVAL. Code called by EVAL is ...

22日 前 | 0

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Function input argument block - defining multiple valid classes for input data.
"I'd like to consolidate these two functions into one function so I do not have the need for multiple files." You do not need m...

24日 前 | 1

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How to read an excel /csv files with columns that have both text and numbers?
fnm = 'sample.csv'; tmp = readcell(fnm, 'Delimiter',','); idx = cellfun(@ischar,tmp(:,1)); assert(all(diff(idx)<1)) nhl = nn...

25日 前 | 0

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Vectorization for Two Nested for-loops
Without creating multiple copies of data in memory: A = [2 3 4; 5 2 1; 1 4 3]; B = [3 4 4; 4 2 1; 4 4 1]; C = sum(permute(A,[...

26日 前 | 0

How can.struct data be made available to non-MATLAB users?
"Can a .struct with nested structs, using a multitude of fieldnames and datalines, be converted to a non-MATLAB format like exce...

26日 前 | 1

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Accessing cell array entries using arrays
B = [1,2,2,1,1; 2,1,2,1,2]; V = 1:size(B,2); A = accumarray(B.',V(:),[],@(m){m.'}) A{1,2}

26日 前 | 0

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Insufficient number of outputs from right hand side of equal sign to satisfy assignment.
Note that the meaning of square brackets is different in the LHS vs on the RHS. C = num2cell(b1); [app.Sis.Slippage]...

28日 前 | 0

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Saving a Structured Array (containing plot parameters) to a mat file
Explanation: your structure is not scalar: it has nlines elements. The -struct option only works with scalar structures. Error ...

約1ヶ月 前 | 0

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Does Matlab's integral function pass the integration variable to the function handle one scalar at a time or as a vector?
"Does Matlab's integral function pass the integration variable to the function handle one scalar at a time or as a vector?" By ...

約1ヶ月 前 | 0

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How avoid exponential notation in compose
"How avoid exponential notation in compose" Explanation: the %d conversion is for integer values. Are all of your data integer ...

約1ヶ月 前 | 0

save tic toc in duration style
tEnd = 60*60+20 txt = mytime(tEnd) writelines(txt,'myfile.txt') Checking: type myfile.txt function str = mytime(toa) spl...

約1ヶ月 前 | 0

Combing Date and Time Variables into ONE DateTime Vector
If you have any influence on the data design, then making these changes would simplify your data processing: save the data in c...

約1ヶ月 前 | 0

Readtable Delimiters on two similar files gives differing result
"One thing for sure is that all my data is under the line begining with "Point"" tA = myread('A.txt') tB = myread('B.txt') fu...

約1ヶ月 前 | 2

How to write data from a Cell Array as multiple columns in a text or CSV file?
This actually works with vectors of different lengths (as your question shows): C = {[0;1;2;3], [4;5;6;7;8;9]}; D = {}; for k...

約1ヶ月 前 | 0

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Why is this simple loop not working?
"I don't know why this is happening." The problem is very simple: you do not extend x in the same way that you extend y and z. ...

約1ヶ月 前 | 2

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Having a string call another string
txt = input("Enter your string: ","s"); disp("Your string was: " + txt)

約1ヶ月 前 | 1

Extracting data from struct as array
S(1).a = 1:10; S(2).a = 11:20; S(3).a = 21:30; M = vertcat(S.a) or M = cat(1,S.a)

約1ヶ月 前 | 1

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convert double to signed int
A = 40000 B = typecast(uint16(A), 'int16')

約2ヶ月 前 | 0

Dynamic matrix columns combinations
"any idea on to how overcome this? Do I need to write a combination function myself?" Use NDGRID with some comma-separated list...

約2ヶ月 前 | 0
