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Interpolate timeseries of a 4D matrix (4th D as time)
Avoid using deprecated DATENUM & DATESTR, using DATETIME is much better. S = load('data.mat') dttA = datetime(2016,1:12,15); ...
1日 前 | 0
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Data is being corrupted in graphs?
Your data are not being corrupted by MATLAB. You provided MATLAB with time data that has only three significant figures. This ...
3日 前 | 2
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Read first lines of txt files with textread
"How to get only first 16 lines od the txt files with textread command?" As the TEXTREAD documentation explains, the optional t...
4日 前 | 0
How to save Matrix in text-file using format double?
Using SAVE for text files is very outdated. The recommended approach is to e.g. WRITEMATRIX: M = [1930,0.0132; 1940,0.00103]; ...
6日 前 | 1
why on earth does strlength(string.empty) evaluate to an empty matrix and not 0?
"strlength(string.empty) evaluates to an empty matrix but strlength(char.empty), strlength('') and strlength("") all evaluate to...
7日 前 | 1
Extract 2D array from 3D array using logical index
"I have a PxMxN array that I want to convert in a PxK 2D array. K has to be obtained from a logical matrix MxN. Consequently, nu...
8日 前 | 2
Next Available Filename
Return the next unused filename, incrementing an integer as required.
8日 前 | ダウンロード 11 件 |
Trying to add a variable RowName based off for loop.
You can certainly add rownames dynamically in a loop, but not by indexing one table into an existing table. Nrow = 5; Ncol = 7...
11日 前 | 0
come to convert words into cell array
g = 'Eb=3;bb=5;'; C = textscan(g,'%s%f', 'Delimiter','=', 'EndOfLine',';') C = [C{1},num2cell(C{2})] % not the best way to sto...
18日 前 | 0
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what I write to a file is different to what I read back from the same file
Because you are reading a different file than you are writing. The main problem is this line here load CAL_File where you LOAD...
18日 前 | 0
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how to separate two conjoined number obtained during ripping a piece of data from a large file?
Import the file as fixed-width: F = 'series_3_zn_porph2_complex_mesityl_par_wB97XD_200xs_rip.txt'; T = readtable(F, "FileType"...
19日 前 | 0
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Convert between RGB and Color Names
RGB to color name. Color name to RGB. Supports many palettes: CSS, dvips, HTML, MATLAB, RAL, SVG, X11, xcolor, xkcd,...
21日 前 | ダウンロード 24 件 |
Partitioning a vector of doubles into cells using a second vector to index
V = 1:5; X = [1,1,1,2,2]; C = accumarray(X(:),V(:),[],@(v){v.'}) or C = groupsummary(V(:),X(:),@(v){v.'}) or C = arrayfun(...
21日 前 | 0
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Error in formatting csv files imported from python
Well, those are some very badly designed files: if they had stored the data as a standard CSV file with one column for each vari...
24日 前 | 0
How to merge two tables into a single table?
Assuming that the tables already exist: table1 = table(["Smith";"Nguyen";"Williams";"Fernandez";"Brown"],[38;43;38;40;49], ... ...
25日 前 | 0
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saving struct empty give me error
"hi, it's possibile to save empty struct? How can i do it?" Of course, just give the variable name exactly like you would any o...
30日 前 | 0
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trying to extract the months to create a format looks like 202404, how to do that ?
s = ""; % your string array dt = datetime('now') dt.Format = 'MMM yy'; % the format given in your example code s(1) = dt dt....
30日 前 | 0
How can I insert a variable into a plot legend, with a special character following the variable?
Using STRING: plot(rand(5,4)) m = pi; legend('','','',"Gradient: "+m+"\circ/mm") Using CHAR: plot(rand(5,4)) m = pi; t = ...
約1ヶ月 前 | 0
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I want to index a element of a vector after defining it
"Any correct way to do this?" Yes, but only if you want to make your code complex, awkward, and obfuscated: subsref(factor(56)...
約1ヶ月 前 | 0
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Lineanchor not working in regexp
My guess is that you have not taken the newline characters into account. Note the difference: tx1 = sprintf('Hello\r\nWorld'); ...
約1ヶ月 前 | 0
How do I convert a decimal number of months to a datetime format?
"The only way I can think of is manually converting by identifying the length of the month the offset represents." Let MATLAB d...
約1ヶ月 前 | 1
How can I keep the first two elements from CSV values in a string
S = ["";"philosopher,historian,writer,political activist,literary critic";"philosopher";"philosopher,writer"] T = regexp(S,'^[^...
約1ヶ月 前 | 0
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How to compute mean value of a field in a struct?
Rather than nesting lots of separate structures in a cell array, why not just use one structure array?: C = load('featuresnew.m...
約1ヶ月 前 | 0
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splitting a vector into separate vectors
A much better approach using a cell array: V = [2,2,2,2,2,4,4,4,7,7,8,9] L = diff(find([1,diff(V),1])) C = mat2cell(V,1,L)
約1ヶ月 前 | 0
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Concatenating Mixed numbers looses the decimal places
"How can I retain the decimal numbers " A = [n,double([MaxI,MinI]),medianMaxIntensity, Hlg,Bren,fwhm2D]; % ^^^^^^^^ ...
約1ヶ月 前 | 0
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How do I do char2num (assume Ascii)?
https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_prog/unicode-and-ascii-values.html txt = char(120:122) num = double(txt) If you ...
約1ヶ月 前 | 0
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writematrix: how to get formatted txt-output?
M = [100,0,4500;0,1,38.29;1,1,38.22] S = join(compose("%10.2f",M),''); writelines(S,"test.txt") Checking: type test.txt
約1ヶ月 前 | 0
Random number vector with only two values
Indexing is a basic MATLAB superpower. You can easily use indexing to select from a vector of any values: V = [0,pi]; W = V(ra...
約2ヶ月 前 | 1
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Character string to numeric vector
txt = ' ( 0.0357 -0.0001 0.0051) ' vec = sscanf(txt(3:end),'%f',[1,3]) or vec = sscanf(strtrim(txt),'(%f%f%f',[1,3])
約2ヶ月 前 | 0
how to delete the files in a folder using matlab?
約2ヶ月 前 | 1