Lateef Adewale Kareem
CypherCrescent ltd, Nigeria
Followers: 0 Following: 0
Applied Mathematician, Mechanical and Petroleum Engineer. Professional Interests: Reservoir Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Solid Mechanics, Numerical Optimization
Programming Languages:
Python, C++, C#, MATLAB, SQL, Visual Basic
Spoken Languages:
Professional Interests:
Numerical Integration and Differential Equations, Programming, Fluid Mechanics, Reservoir Engineering
Python, C++, C#, MATLAB, SQL, Visual Basic
Spoken Languages:
Professional Interests:
Numerical Integration and Differential Equations, Programming, Fluid Mechanics, Reservoir Engineering
Taylor series for e^x with loop
%% This is more efficient x = 2; v = 1; n = 1; d = 1; for i = 1:20 n = n*x; d = d*i; v = v + n/d; end fp...
Taylor series for e^x with loop
%% This is more efficient x = 2; v = 1; n = 1; d = 1; for i = 1:20 n = n*x; d = d*i; v = v + n/d; end fp...
2年以上 前 | 0
Scatter with colour-coded markers (matrix)
minv = min(min(velo)); maxv = max(max(velo)); c = (velo - minv)./(maxv - minv); scatter(x(:),y(:),10,c(:))
Scatter with colour-coded markers (matrix)
minv = min(min(velo)); maxv = max(max(velo)); c = (velo - minv)./(maxv - minv); scatter(x(:),y(:),10,c(:))
2年以上 前 | 1
Solving nonlinear function using fzero, Error Function values at the interval endpoints must differ in sign.
Imp=100; t0=1e-6; P=204000000; Tf=2e-3; x = nan; options = optimset('Display','off'); % show iterations x0 = 2; while(i...
Solving nonlinear function using fzero, Error Function values at the interval endpoints must differ in sign.
Imp=100; t0=1e-6; P=204000000; Tf=2e-3; x = nan; options = optimset('Display','off'); % show iterations x0 = 2; while(i...
2年以上 前 | 0
Help plotting a circular orbit
G = 6.6743*10^-11; %Gravitational Constant, Units: m^3 kg^-1 s^-2 Mc = 5.972*10^24; %Mass of cent...
Help plotting a circular orbit
G = 6.6743*10^-11; %Gravitational Constant, Units: m^3 kg^-1 s^-2 Mc = 5.972*10^24; %Mass of cent...
2年以上 前 | 0
| 採用済み
How i implement Adams Predictor-Corrector Method from general code ?
clc; clear all; h = 0.01; mu = 20; f_m = @(t,y) mu*(y-cos(t))-sin(t); exact = @(t) exp(mu*t)+cos(t); [t,y_m] = dd2(f_m,[0, ...
How i implement Adams Predictor-Corrector Method from general code ?
clc; clear all; h = 0.01; mu = 20; f_m = @(t,y) mu*(y-cos(t))-sin(t); exact = @(t) exp(mu*t)+cos(t); [t,y_m] = dd2(f_m,[0, ...
2年以上 前 | 0
| 採用済み
Not enough input arguments.
%% Backward Difference Formula Method %% clc; clear all; h=0.01; t=0:h:1; n=numel(t); mu = 20; f_m = @(t,y) mu*(y-cos(t)...
Not enough input arguments.
%% Backward Difference Formula Method %% clc; clear all; h=0.01; t=0:h:1; n=numel(t); mu = 20; f_m = @(t,y) mu*(y-cos(t)...
2年以上 前 | 0
Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
here is another modification to make the code look exactly like the description %% Adam-Bashforth %% clc; clear all; h = 0....
Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
here is another modification to make the code look exactly like the description %% Adam-Bashforth %% clc; clear all; h = 0....
2年以上 前 | 0
| 採用済み
Numerical Laplace inversion with fmincon
I am sorry, I didnt see the problem early. This is the complete code clear all; close all; clc; Data = ... [1 0.003322259 ...
Numerical Laplace inversion with fmincon
I am sorry, I didnt see the problem early. This is the complete code clear all; close all; clc; Data = ... [1 0.003322259 ...
2年以上 前 | 0
| 採用済み
How to set outside a country values to NaN, in a 3d array (lat x lon x time) ?
The best solution is to use google map to get latitudes and logitudes of vertices of a polygon representing the external boundar...
How to set outside a country values to NaN, in a 3d array (lat x lon x time) ?
The best solution is to use google map to get latitudes and logitudes of vertices of a polygon representing the external boundar...
約5年 前 | 1
how to create classes in matlab
How to create classes of special data type, overload operators for them and use them in further calculations
7年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Is there any concept like dictionary or hash tables in matlab like in Python?
Yes. c = containers.Map c('foo') = 1 c(' not a var name ') = 2 keys(c) values(c)
Is there any concept like dictionary or hash tables in matlab like in Python?
Yes. c = containers.Map c('foo') = 1 c(' not a var name ') = 2 keys(c) values(c)
8年弱 前 | 18
How to solve a second order linear differential equation with a heaviside function
Since its a second order differential equation, there is no need for y''(0) and since you want to solve numerically, you can ...
How to solve a second order linear differential equation with a heaviside function
Since its a second order differential equation, there is no need for y''(0) and since you want to solve numerically, you can ...
8年弱 前 | 0
why my iteration prog doesn't work ?
increase your number of iteration, you will meet the tolerance target
why my iteration prog doesn't work ?
increase your number of iteration, you will meet the tolerance target
8年弱 前 | 0
How to find input data that best matches given output data
I guess this is what you wanted fs/2 = 5e11 length(x) = 958576 freq = transpose([10.7 11.213 11.725 12...
How to find input data that best matches given output data
I guess this is what you wanted fs/2 = 5e11 length(x) = 958576 freq = transpose([10.7 11.213 11.725 12...
8年弱 前 | 0
How to write and solve system of differential equations?
This is a pde. To solve this problem, I suggest you use method of lines. Discretize the equation in space. let the solution at e...
How to write and solve system of differential equations?
This is a pde. To solve this problem, I suggest you use method of lines. Discretize the equation in space. let the solution at e...
8年弱 前 | 1
Remove the discontinuity from tan(x) where odd multiples of pi/2
x=linspace(-2*pi,2*pi,200); f=tan(x); f(abs(diff([0 f])) > 15) = NaN;
Remove the discontinuity from tan(x) where odd multiples of pi/2
x=linspace(-2*pi,2*pi,200); f=tan(x); f(abs(diff([0 f])) > 15) = NaN;
8年以上 前 | 0