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I have trouble getting MATLAB to increase altitude or plot tail height upward when I use a positive number. I have to use a negative number. Why is this???
The NED (North East Down) coordinate system is positive in the plane crashing direction. That's why it is good to use a negative...
9ヶ月 前 | 0
| 採用済み
Error/Mismatch in determing impedance using fft in simulink imported data.
@Md. Golam Zakaria You can use the variable step solver and force it to output at fixed intervals by putting a "Sample time" val...
10ヶ月 前 | 1
FFT of a frequency sweep using logarithmic spacing.
Here is some code to perform the logarithmic chirp normalization. % Define parameters clear norm N = 1; % Ch...
10ヶ月 前 | 1
| 採用済み
FFT of a frequency sweep using logarithmic spacing.
The correction factor for a linear chirp is sqrt(beta) / df, where beta is the chirp rate in Hz/sec and df is the FFT bin size i...
10ヶ月 前 | 1
Simulink to see Fourier
I put it in a Matlab Fcn block and it seems to work. See the attached file for details.
11ヶ月 前 | 0
Frequency Response Analyzer
Perform frequency analysis of your Simulink model without linearization
約1年 前 | ダウンロード 190 件 |

PV MPPT Tracking Failing PV Array Current or Volatge Goes negative
Hi Ishaan. I found that a perturbation of 1% (Constant2 with value of 1) was too large in the controller. If you reduce the Cons...
3年弱 前 | 0
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Model error in Simulink
It is having problems simulating an ideal op amp with infinite gain. If you intend on configuring the LM386 op amp as an invert...
3年弱 前 | 0
create a variable that changes its value(polynomial equation) for different time periods
Maybe something like this.
3年弱 前 | 1
Adding noise to a PID signal
Hi Nathan, You can use the lsim command to get a general response of your controller. I think you want to see the response when...
3年弱 前 | 0
Why the different response of two Simulink models?
Here is a follow-on question to this original question: How can I remove the few peaks before the overshoot, so I only have the...
約3年 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
回答How can I remove the few peaks before the overshoot, so I only have the overshoot peak and then it directly transition into steady state?
My bad. Change I to 300.
約3年 前 | 0
How can I remove the few peaks before the overshoot, so I only have the overshoot peak and then it directly transition into steady state?
Hi Samuel. I found tuning the derivative to be difficult too. Eventually I settled in on P=3.5, I=850, D=0.01 and N=850. The def...
約3年 前 | 0
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Can you let me know how to solve my errors? there are 4 errors in my simulink.
You had two issues. One was the integrators in Current_Controller were implimented using the Memory in the feedback path causing...
約3年 前 | 1
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Data type mismatch error in Simulink
I saw a number of other issues in this model. 1) I think the inverter needs a ground reference added on the emitters of the low...
約3年 前 | 0
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I need more explanations for the described hydraulic simulation
The pump in this model acts in a fixed displacement mode that produces a given flow rate regardless of its output pressure. When...
3年以上 前 | 0
Filter background from audio file
Check out this previous answer. A different type of owl, but the same concept. Using Spectrogram to Design a Filter - (mathwork...
3年以上 前 | 0
Simulation of the step response of a time delay system with a PID controller is contorted.
Those sharp transients in the closed loop response are the echoes of the step input as filtered by the transfer function that ar...
3年以上 前 | 0
3rd Order ODE on Simulink
I approximated the required doublet input into an update to my comment with a summation of two very short pulse generators.
3年以上 前 | 0
Why is my step response going down instead of up?
I would focus on your equation for zeta on line 60. It is resulting in a negative value (negative damping=bad!) which gives unst...
3年以上 前 | 1
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An electric circuit that includes a voltage source E with an internal resistance r, and a load resistance R is shown in the figure.
Probably late for your homework assignment. Can you write the equation for the power dissipated in R leaving R as a variable? Do...
3年以上 前 | 0
Unexpected noise in output voltage for buck converter
The Puse Generator has a period of 1/100000 seconds, which is injecting 100 KHz pulses into your system. The ripple is simply th...
3年以上 前 | 0
Reproduce electric motor maps as images in Matlab Simulink
A similar question was answered suggesting importing the image into Matlab and then using ginput to extract coordinates of the a...
4年弱 前 | 0
Determining time elapsed in between two successive pulses of a signal
I updated your code a bit and fed in an artificial signal. It works but has a slight error due to loop delays running on my comp...
4年弱 前 | 1
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How best to gather signals from all over a SIMULINK model to one subsystem
I moved your root model into a subsystem and used Bus Element Out(s), which was then connected to a new input on "get data" subs...
4年弱 前 | 0
A question about FOC current control for PMSM
The decoupling control is not quite correct for the PMSM motor you are using. You need to insert a multiplier by the number of p...
約4年 前 | 1
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How to measure the steady state amplitude of a control system output
Try using this app. It injects a sine wave and measures the gain and phase after a number of cycles that you specify. https://w...
約4年 前 | 0
How to programmatically know if a block is a sink block?
I had to add some complexity to your code to make it work on my sample file. modelfile = 'SinkXY';% Or whatever your model file...
約4年 前 | 0
Need help with simple Simulink
This seems to do the trick. It produces the following result.
約4年 前 | 1
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Simulation of a missile valve with Simscape
Hi Tom, A flip-flop will latch the valve shut once the flow reaches the threshold and keep it shut until you manually reset it....
約4年 前 | 1
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