Pranav Murali
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I'm an Application Support Engineer of Mathworks. My primary area of interest is Embedded Systems. On the whole, I'm comfortable with anything related to electronics.
DISCLAIMER: All my comments are personal opinion only and do not represent or voice MathWorks in any way.
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SOC estimation using UKF
I can understand that you are interested in knowing how we arrived at the values of Em, R and C stored in the lookup table. In t...
約5年 前 | 1
| 採用済み
How to read SparkFun 9DoF Razor IMU into MATLAB?
I understand that you tried to deploy your code on SparkFun Razor with the Zero firmware. I am not quite sure if there are any p...
約5年 前 | 0
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UWB - data transmission - signal processing
I understand that you are looking to transmit a binary pulse over UWB. Please follow the references given below: UWB Monocycle....
約5年 前 | 0
Where can I find the "SoC estimation using kalman fiter block" ?
The Kalman filter blocks used to estimate SoC of a battery can be found in the Control System Toolbox.
約5年 前 | 0
Equivalent Circuit Battery Block: Battery.PulseSequence
I see that you are interested in knowing the parameters and values stored within the pulse sequence. The command Battery.PulseSe...
約5年 前 | 0
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Simulink - Send and receive float over serial port
I can understand that you are trying to send some data through a serial port which however is getting lost after transmission. I...
約5年 前 | 0
Getting waveform by using UART on Raspberry Pi and ADC on Ti F28335
I see that your waveforms from the ADC aren’t similar as they are supposed to. Since they sampling frequencies are different, If...
約5年 前 | 0
IMU/INS sensor fusion with Cartesian coordinates
Currently, the Intertial Sensor Fusion functions only support geodectic coordinates as ReferenceLocation. So, the cartesian envi...
約5年 前 | 0
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Read rotary encoder from Arduino Uno in Simulink
I understand that you are trying to read the counts from a rotary encoder using Simulink. Although Simulink doesn't have a block...
約5年 前 | 0
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Why the output of the Switch block is not a bus ?
Hi Prem, I understand that both the inputs of your switch are bus signals but the output in not a bus signal. Please check the ...
約5年 前 | 0
How to improve ROS subscriber and publisher rate in Simulink
Hi Zi, I see that you are creating three publisher-subscriber pairs on ROS and they take more time to process than the desired ...
約5年 前 | 0
RGB LED control help
Hi Madison, I understand that you are trying to control a digital RGB led strip based on the input from switches using the Ardu...
約5年 前 | 0
Parrot Minidrone - stable flight
Hi Keith, It’s a nice idea to use the optical flow values for a good, controlled flight. Here’s a couple of things you can try:...
約5年 前 | 0
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How do I apply constraints to state space response of a continuous time system?
Hi Kedar, Your state space model should be designed appropriately to provide responses within your desired range.
約5年 前 | 0
Plotting a relation from a describing equation - optimized trapezoidal steering optimization
Hi Igor, I see that you’ve been trying to visualize the difference between optimized trapezoidal and Ackerman steering. Finding...
約5年 前 | 0
Calculating time of flight from a series of acoustic waveforms
Hi Lorenzo, You are trying to calculate the time of flight from the dataset you have. The transmitted and received signal (Volt...
約5年 前 | 1
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Trouble writing PWM signal from PID controller
Hi Chris, I understand that you are receiving the correct value of PID but you are unable to control the output duty cycle of y...
約5年 前 | 1