Sai Hitesh Gorantla
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MATLAB program to compute the potential in a square region by solving Laplace’s equation using the Finite Difference (FD) approximation method.using the “surf” and “contour” MATLAB commands
My Code: clear all; [X,Y] = meshgrid(linspace(0,1,20)); V = zeros(size(X)); [M,N] = size(V); V(2:M-1,1) = zeros(M-2,1); ...
5年弱 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Write a MATLAB program to plot the following:b. The magnitude of the electric field along the central axis of a uniformly charged circular disk of radium 1 m and charge density 1 C/m2. Assume that the disk is centred around the Z –axis.
Is my code is correct? code: %19BEE0151 sigma = 1; % in C/m^2 R = 1; % R in metres k = 9e9; n = input('Enter the va...
約5年 前 | 0 件の回答 | 0
Write a MATLAB program to plot the following: a. The magnitude of the electric field along the central axis of a uniformly charged circular ring of radium 1 m and charge density 1 C/m. Assume that the ring is centred around the Z –axis.
Is my code is correct? Code: lambda = 1; R = 1; k = 9e9; n = input('Enter the value of z:'); z = -n:1:n; E = ((2*pi*k*lam...
約5年 前 | 0 件の回答 | 0
Write a function called under_age that takes two positive integer scalar arguments: age that represents someone's age, and limit that represents an age limit. The function returns true if the person is younger than the age limit. If the second arg
function [too_young] = under_age(age,limit) if nargin == 2 if age<limit too_young = true; else too...
Write a function called under_age that takes two positive integer scalar arguments: age that represents someone's age, and limit that represents an age limit. The function returns true if the person is younger than the age limit. If the second arg
function [too_young] = under_age(age,limit) if nargin == 2 if age<limit too_young = true; else too...
約5年 前 | 0
Variable Number of Input Arguments
My code: function [too_young] = under_age(age,limit) if age<21 too_young = true; else too_young = false; end if a...
約5年 前 | 5 件の回答 | 0
converts a point in cartesian to cylindrical and spherical cooridantes(error:getting same answer in cylindrical & spherical coordinates)
code: function [Pcyl Psph] = cart2cylsph(Pcart) % converts a point in cartesian to cylindrical and spherical cooridantes % in...
約5年 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
cart to cyl (getting error of Not enough input arguments.)
function [Pcyl] = cart2cyl(Pcart) % input and output as 3 by 1 vectors x=Pcart(1); y = Pcart(2); z= Pcart(3); rho= ...
約5年 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Cart to cyl and spherical
Write a MATLAB program to accept the Cartesian coordinates of a point as a 3 by 1 column vector and return the Cylindrical and S...
約5年 前 | 0 件の回答 | 0
Hi, check this question
Two 1 nC point positive charges are located at (-1, 0, 0) m and (1, 0, 0) m respectively. Write a MATLAB script to plot the magn...
約5年 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0