哪里出错?set_param(bdroot(gcs) , 'PreloadFcn', 'load(''DataType.mat'')')
2022b is ok
哪里出错?set_param(bdroot(gcs) , 'PreloadFcn', 'load(''DataType.mat'')')
2022b is ok
1年以上 前 | 0
| 採用済み
CANpack code generation Problem for MCU without floating-point math capabilities
I solved it by modify the function in can_helpers.tlc %function roundRealValue(inVar, outVar, dataType) %openfile buffer ...
CANpack code generation Problem for MCU without floating-point math capabilities
I solved it by modify the function in can_helpers.tlc %function roundRealValue(inVar, outVar, dataType) %openfile buffer ...
1年以上 前 | 0
how to solve this problem, when run a exe
ask for mcr from the company who publish the app
how to solve this problem, when run a exe
ask for mcr from the company who publish the app
1年以上 前 | 0
| 採用済み
CANpack code generation Problem for MCU without floating-point math capabilities
real32_T outValue = 0; { real32_T result =aa; result =bb; outValue = roundf(result); "This facility may not be available ...
1年以上 前 | 2 件の回答 | 0
哪里出错?set_param(bdroot(gcs) , 'PreloadFcn', 'load(''DataType.mat'')')
2018b set_param(bdroot(gcs) , 'PreloadFcn', 'load(''DataType.mat'')') 这条语句命令行能够运行,但是脚本无法运行, 不知何故
約3年 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0