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How do I programmatically set the Argument checkbox of a model workspace variable?
To set arguments programmatically, use "set_param" with the model parameter "ParameterArgumentNames". This parameter is a comma-...
約1年 前 | 2
| 採用済み
Extract documents from a website's hyperlinks
That could be done using webread to retrieve data from the webpage and regexp to extract all the hyperlinks in the page by parsi...
6年弱 前 | 2
| 採用済み
How can i send data in using "UDP" Command?
Like the error message mentions, the port is already being used by another application ( or by an earlier run of your MATLAB scr...
6年弱 前 | 0
Help tracking down a MATLAB tutorial/video re: ocean Lagrangian particle tracking/dispersive model with tides
This video on numerical simulation of oil spill is quite similar and might be of help to you: link (To find more video/webinars...
6年弱 前 | 1
| 採用済み
Timeout occurred when try serial communication
It seems to me like the timeout occurs due to fscanf not returning any serial data. This may be due to fscanf waiting on the ter...
6年弱 前 | 0
EEG data recorded in arduino filtering in matlab
Interfacing MATLAB and arduino through a serial link is straightforward. You can create a serial port object and use fscanf and ...
6年弱 前 | 0
How to use 'Timer' function to send ROS messages?
You can use MATLAB timers in this way : % Create a timer object t=timer; Set execution mode of the timer object to fixedRate...
約6年 前 | 0
| 採用済み
How can I update a matrix at the end of each 'for loop' and use that updated matrix in the second loop?
It isn't quite clear as to what the exact problem is , but if you want to update the value of R after each iteration : R=A; f...
6年以上 前 | 0
Using MATLAB to read out strings from Arduino
As the error message suggests, the serial connection is being timed out when reading from serial using fgets. I suspect this is ...
6年以上 前 | 2
Very-deep super-resolution(VDSR) example doens't work (ver. r2017a)
The example you're trying to open is for the Deep Learning Toolbox, which was released only in R2018b. In earlier versions of MA...
6年以上 前 | 0
| 採用済み
How can I stich multiple images (about 45) in order to recreate a complete one?
Feature based stitching may work in your case because the images have an overlap. This example shows exactly how that could be d...
6年以上 前 | 0
Displaying Value beside graph
The value can be displayed in the figure title, legend or the axis label. You could format the variable to be displayed into a s...
6年以上 前 | 0
getting error creating coefficient matrix for cramers rule
The zeros function takes array dimensions as input and returns an array of zeros. % co-efficient matrix coef=zeros([n n]); He...
6年以上 前 | 0
How to automatically run a matlab script on data in a seperate file on your computer?
Data from the .txt file can be directly read in MATLAB without converting it to .xlsx file, depending on the kind of data it con...
6年以上 前 | 0
| 採用済み
I need help storing all column vectors from a for loop in an array
You could create a new array, W_k with each coulmn representing the value of W after every iteration : clc; close all; clear; ...
6年以上 前 | 0
Sending over TCP/IP from simulink to a localhost.
To send data from the simulink model to a server running on the same machine, you could just specify the remote address as 'loca...
6年以上 前 | 0
use acceleration sensor to real time simulation
These Simulink documentation links on basic UDP and real-time UDP communication should get you started.
6年以上 前 | 0
Best/fastest way to call MATLAB routine from C repeatedly
You could try using the MATLAB Engine API tp speed up things a bit. The MATLAB Engine API for C and C++ provides a convenient w...
6年以上 前 | 1
| 採用済み
Simulink UDP data split
Assuming that output Data signal from the UDP receive block is a vector, you could try using the Simulink demux block to 'split...
6年以上 前 | 0
Create a vector containing five elements such that the elements are equally spaced when you take the logarithm of the vector.
You can use the _<https://imathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/logspace.html logspace>_ function.
6年以上 前 | 0
| 採用済み
How to run a for loop n times with a different size matrix inside the loop
You must be getting the error ' _Matrix dimensions must agree_ ', this is because theta = linspace(0,2*pi,100); creates...
6年以上 前 | 0
| 採用済み
How can I compute mean and variance of a cyclogram?
You can create a <https://mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/timeseries.html timeseries> object for your data (X,Y) and use the MATLA...
6年以上 前 | 0
| 採用済み
How to get data some data from one vector and save it in another vector
The file ( _Data_f_b.mat_) you have attached has two _500x2_ vectors _data_b_ and _data_f_. To copy the elements from row index ...
6年以上 前 | 0
| 採用済み
How to read an excel file in SVN repository (tortoise svn) using matlab?
If it is a local svn repository, you can read data from any excel file using <https://mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/xlsread.htm...
6年以上 前 | 1
| 採用済み