% Plot "L" (y = 1/(x+1), for x > -1)
x = linspace(-0.9, 2, 100); % Avoid x = -1 (undefined)
y =1 ./ (x+1) ;
plot(x, y, 'r', 'LineWidth', 2);
% Plot "O" (x^2 + y^2 = 9)
theta = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100);
x = 3 * cos(theta);
y = 3 * sin(theta);
plot(x, y, 'r', 'LineWidth', 2);
axis equal;
% Plot "V" (y = -2|x|)
x = linspace(-1, 1, 100);
y = 2 * abs(x);
plot(x, y, 'r', 'LineWidth', 2);
axis equal;
% Plot "E" (x = -3 |sin(y)|)
y = linspace(-pi, pi, 100);
x = -3 * abs(sin(y));
plot(x, y, 'r', 'LineWidth', 2);
axis equal;
I've been trying this problem a lot of time and i don't understand why my solution doesnt't work.
In 4 tests i get the error Assertion failed but when i run the code myself i get the diag and antidiag correctly.
function [diag_elements, antidg_elements] = your_fcn_name(x)
[m, n] = size(x);
% Inicializar los vectores de la diagonal y la anti-diagonal
diag_elements = zeros(1, min(m, n));
antidg_elements = zeros(1, min(m, n));
% Extraer los elementos de la diagonal
for i = 1:min(m, n)
diag_elements(i) = x(i, i);
% Extraer los elementos de la anti-diagonal
for i = 1:min(m, n)
antidg_elements(i) = x(m-i+1, i);
I love it all
Love the first snowfall only
Hate it
It doesn't snow where I live
40 票
For Valentine's day this year I tried to do something a little more than just the usual 'Here's some MATLAB code that draws a picture of a heart' and focus on how to share MATLAB code. TL;DR, here's my advice
- Put the code on GitHub. (Allows people to access and collaborate on your code)
- Set up 'Open in MATLAB Online' in your GitHub repo (Allows people to easily run it)
I used code by @Zhaoxu Liu / slandarer and others to demonstrate. I think that those two steps are the most impactful in that they get you from zero to one but If I were to offer some more advice for research code it would be
3. Connect the GitHub repo to File Exchange (Allows MATLAB users to easily find it in-product).
4. Get a Digitial Object Identifier (DOI) using something like Zenodo. (Allows people to more easily cite your code)
There is still a lot more you can do of course but if everyone did this for any MATLAB code relating to a research paper, we'd be in a better place I think.
Here's the article: On love and research software: Sharing code with your Valentine » The MATLAB Blog - MATLAB & Simulink
What do you think?
Have you ever wanted to search for a community member but didn't know where to start? Or perhaps you knew where to search but couldn't find enough information from the results? You're not alone. Many community users have shared this frustration with us. That's why the community team is excited to introduce the new ‘People’ page to address this need.

What Does the ‘People’ Page Offer?
- Comprehensive User Search: Search for users across different applications seamlessly.
- Detailed User Information: View a list of community members along with additional details such as their join date, rankings, and total contributions.
- Sorting Options: Use the ‘sort by’ filter located below the search bar to organize the list according to your preferences.
- Easy Navigation: Access the Answers, File Exchange, and Cody Leaderboard by clicking the ‘Leaderboards’ button in the upper right corner.
In summary, the ‘People’ page provides a gateway to search for individuals and gain deeper insights into the community.
How Can You Access It?
Navigate to the global menu, click on the ‘More’ link, and you’ll find the ‘People’ option.

Now you know where to go if you want to search for a user. We encourage you to give it a try and share your feedback with us.
Simulink has been an essential tool for modeling and simulating dynamic systems in MATLAB. With the continuous advancements in AI, automation, and real-time simulation, I’m curious about what the future holds for Simulink.
What improvements or new features do you think Simulink will have in the coming years? Will AI-driven modeling, cloud-based simulation, or improved hardware integration shape the next generation of Simulink?
I got thoroughly nerd-sniped by this xkcd, leading me to wonder if you can use MATLAB to figure out the dice roll for any given (rational) probability. Well, obviously you can. The question is how. Answer: lots of permutation calculations and convolutions.

In the original xkcd, the situation described by the player has a probability of 2/9. Looking up the plot, row 2 column 9, shows that you need 16 or greater on (from the legend) 1d4+3d6, just as claimed.
If you missed the bit about convolutions, this is a super-neat trick
[v,c] = dicedist([4 6 6 6]);
% Probability distribution of dice given by d
function [vals,counts] = dicedist(d)
% d is a vector of number of sides
n = numel(d); % number of dice
% Use convolution to count the number of ways to get each roll value
counts = 1;
for k = 1:n
counts = conv(counts,ones(1,d(k)));
% Possible values range from n to sum(d)
maxtot = sum(d);
vals = n:maxtot;
You've probably heard about the DeepSeek AI models by now. Did you know you can run them on your own machine (assuming its powerful enough) and interact with them on MATLAB?
In my latest blog post, I install and run one of the smaller models and start playing with it using MATLAB.
Larger models wouldn't be any different to use assuming you have a big enough machine...and for the largest models you'll need a HUGE machine!
Even tiny models, like the 1.5 billion parameter one I demonstrate in the blog post, can be used to demonstrate and teach things about LLM-based technologies.
Have a play. Let me know what you think.
My following code works running Matlab 2024b for all test cases. However, 3 of 7 tests fail (#1, #4, & #5) the QWERTY Shift Encoder problem. Any ideas what I am missing?
Thanks in advance.
keyboardMap1 = {'qwertyuiop[;'; 'asdfghjkl;'; 'zxcvbnm,'};
keyboardMap2 = {'QWERTYUIOP{'; 'ASDFGHJKL:'; 'ZXCVBNM<'};
if length(s) == 0
se = s;
for i = 1:length(s)
if double(s(i)) >= 65 && s(i) <= 90
row = 1;
col = 1;
while ~strcmp(s(i), keyboardMap2{row}(col))
if col < length(keyboardMap2{row})
col = col + 1;
row = row + 1;
col = 1;
se(i) = keyboardMap2{row}(col + 1);
elseif double(s(i)) >= 97 && s(i) <= 122
row = 1;
col = 1;
while ~strcmp(s(i), keyboardMap1{row}(col))
if col < length(keyboardMap1{row})
col = col + 1;
row = row + 1;
col = 1;
se(i) = keyboardMap1{row}(col + 1);
se(i) = s(i);
% if ~(s(i) = 65 && s(i) <= 90) && ~(s(i) >= 97 && s(i) <= 122)
% se(i) = s(i);
% end
私の場合、前の会社が音楽認識アプリの会社で、アルゴリズム開発でFFTが使われていたことがきっかけでした。でも、MATLABのすごさが分かったのは、機械学習のオンライン講座で、Andrew Ngが、線型代数を使うと、数式と非常に近い構文のコードで問題が処理できることを学んだ時でした。
Let's celebrate what made 2024 memorable! Together, we made big impacts, hosted exciting events, and built new apps.

Resource links:
Toolbox 全部入りの MATLAB ライセンス
まだ持っていない Toolbox (下記にコメントください)
MATLAB ルービックキューブ
MathWorks オフィス訪問チケット
18 票
この場は MATLAB や Simulink を使っている皆さんが、気軽に質問や情報交換ができる場所として作られました。日本語でも気軽に投稿ができるように今回日本語チャネルを解説します。
ユーザーの皆様とのやり取りを通じて、みんなで知識や経験を共有し、一緒にスキルアップしていきましょう。 どうぞお気軽にご参加ください。
MATLAB Central (日本) を救いたい - 再掲
初カキコ…ども… 俺みたいな中年で深夜にMATLAB見てる腐れ野郎、 他に、いますかっていねーか、はは 今日のSNSの会話 あの流行りの曲かっこいい とか あの 服ほしい とか ま、それが普通ですわな かたや俺は電子の砂漠でfor文無くして、呟くんすわ it'a true wolrd.狂ってる?それ、誉め 言葉ね。 好きなtoolbox Signal Processing Toolb...
We’d like to announce a change on the Machine Translation feature on MATLAB Answers.
When users are visiting our international domains (e.g. China or Japan), Answers provides the option to translate the content. Recently, we identified several security threats involving high-volume requests from certain IP addresses targeting our translation service.
As one of the countermeasures, we have now placed the Machine Translation feature behind a login requirement. While non-logged-in users will still see the 'Translate' button, it will be inactive (greyed out) until they log in.
We are actively collaborating with adjacent teams to develop solutions to better detect and block malicious requests.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

What better way to add a little holiday magic than the L-shaped membrane atop your evergreen? My colleagues output the shape and then added some thickness and an interior cylinder in Blender. Then, the shape was exported to STL and 3D printed (in several pieces). Then glued, sanded, primed, sanded again and painted. If you like, the STL file is attached. Thank you to https://blogs.mathworks.com/community/2013/06/20/paul-prints-the-l-shaped-membrane/ and a tip of the hat to MATLAB Ornament. Happy Holidays!

Paul Prints the L-Shaped Membrane
As promised, Paul Kassebaum is back this week with an in-depth discussion of how to get from a mathematical object in MATLAB to a solid object you can hold in your hand. Paul is a maker in the truest sense of the word. If there are a hundred weird and unexpected obstacles between him and the thing he wants to
Watt's Up with Electric Vehicles?EV modeling Ecosystem (Eco-friendly Vehicles), V2V Communication and V2I communications thereby emitting zero Emissions to considerably reduce NOx ,Particulates matters,CO2 given that Combustion is always incomplete and will always be.
Reduction of gas emissions outside to the environment will improve human life span ,few epidemic diseases and will result in long life standard
We will be updating the MATLAB Answers infrastructure at 1PM EST today. We do not expect any disruption of service during this time. However, if you notice any issues, please be patient and try again later. Thank you for your understanding.