

  • Narayanaswamy P.R. Iyer
  • Provides Simulink models for various PWM techniques used for inverters
  • Presents vector and direct torque control of inverter-fed AC drives and fuzzy logic control of converter-fed AC drives
  • Includes examples, case studies, source codes of models, and model projects from all the chapters.
About this book
Successful development of power electronic converters and converter-fed electric drives involves system modeling, analyzing the output voltage, current, electromagnetic torque, and machine speed, and making necessary design changes before hardware implementation. Inverters and AC Drives: Control, Modeling, and Simulation Using Simulink offers readers Simulink models for single, multi-triangle carrier, selective harmonic elimination, and space vector PWM techniques for three-phase two-level, multi-level (including modular multi-level), Z-source, Quasi Z-source, switched inductor, switched capacitor and diode assisted extended boost inverters, six-step inverter-fed permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), brushless DC motor (BLDCM) and induction motor (IM) drives, vector-controlled PMSM, IM drives, direct torque-controlled inverter-fed IM drives, and fuzzy logic controlled converter-fed AC drives with several examples and case studies. Appendices in the book include source codes for all relevant models, model projects, and answers to selected model projects from all chapters. 
This textbook will be a valuable resource for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in electrical and electronics engineering, power electronics, and AC drives. It is also a hands-on reference for practicing engineers and researchers in these areas.
I want to share a new book "Introduction to Digital Control - An Integrated Approach, Springer, 2024" available through https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-66830-2.
This textbook presents an integrated approach to digital (discrete-time) control systems covering analysis, design, simulation, and real-time implementation through relevant hardware and software platforms. Topics related to discrete-time control systems include z-transform, inverse z-transform, sampling and reconstruction, open- and closed-loop system characteristics, steady-state accuracy for different system types and input functions, stability analysis in z-domain-Jury’s test, bilinear transformation from z- to w-domain, stability analysis in w-domain- Routh-Hurwitz criterion, root locus techniques in z-domain, frequency domain analysis in w-domain, control system specifications in time- and frequency- domains, design of controllers – PI, PD, PID, phase-lag, phase-lead, phase-lag-lead using time- and frequency-domain specifications, state-space methods- controllability and observability, pole placement controllers, design of observers (estimators) - full-order prediction, reduced-order, and current observers, system identification, optimal control- linear quadratic regulator (LQR), linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) estimator (Kalman filter), implementation of controllers, and laboratory experiments for validation of analysis and design techniques on real laboratory scale hardware modules. Both single-input single-output (SISO) and multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems are covered. Software platform of MATLAB/Simlink is used for analysis, design, and simulation and hardware/software platforms of National Instruments (NI)/LabVIEW are used for implementation and validation of analysis and design of digital control systems. Demonstrating the use of an integrated approach to cover interdisciplinary topics of digital control, emphasizing theoretical background, validation through analysis, simulation, and implementation in physical laboratory experiments, the book is ideal for students of engineering and applied science across in a range of concentrations.
I am excited to share my new book "Introduction to Mechatronics - An Integrated Approach, Springer, 2023" available through https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-29320-7.
This textbook presents mechatronics through an integrated approach covering instrumentation, circuits and electronics, computer-based data acquisition and analysis, analog and digital signal processing, sensors, actuators, digital logic circuits, microcontroller programming and interfacing. The use of computer programming is emphasized throughout the text, and includes MATLAB for system modeling, simulation, and analysis; LabVIEW for data acquisition and signal processing; and C++ for Arduino-based microcontroller programming and interfacing. The book provides numerous examples along with appropriate program codes, for simulation and analysis, that are discussed in detail to illustrate the concepts covered in each section. The book also includes the illustration of theoretical concepts through the virtual simulation platform Tinkercad to provide students virtual lab experience.
最後のアクティビティ: 2025 年 1 月 14 日 19:47

I had originally planned on publishing my book via a traditional publisher, but am now reconsidering whether to use Amazon.com. I use Matlab and Latex in my book. It appears that it is not possible to publish is with Amazon due to this. Advice? Thanks. Kevin Passino
Image Analyst
Image Analyst
最後のアクティビティ: 2024 年 12 月 24 日 21:30

Attaching the Photoshop file if you want to modify the caption.
Toolbox 全部入りの MATLAB ライセンス
まだ持っていない Toolbox (下記にコメントください)
MATLAB ルービックキューブ
MathWorks オフィス訪問チケット
18 票
最後のアクティビティ: 2024 年 12 月 24 日 1:23

この場は MATLAB や Simulink を使っている皆さんが、気軽に質問や情報交換ができる場所として作られました。日本語でも気軽に投稿ができるように今回日本語チャネルを解説します。
ユーザーの皆様とのやり取りを通じて、みんなで知識や経験を共有し、一緒にスキルアップしていきましょう。 どうぞお気軽にご参加ください。
Thanks to Hernia Baby さん、Iwasato Takuya さん
Peter Fryscak
Peter Fryscak
最後のアクティビティ: 2024 年 12 月 31 日 16:45

What better way to add a little holiday magic than the L-shaped membrane atop your evergreen? My colleagues output the shape and then added some thickness and an interior cylinder in Blender. Then, the shape was exported to STL and 3D printed (in several pieces). Then glued, sanded, primed, sanded again and painted. If you like, the STL file is attached. Thank you to https://blogs.mathworks.com/community/2013/06/20/paul-prints-the-l-shaped-membrane/ and a tip of the hat to MATLAB Ornament. Happy Holidays!
Image Analyst
Image Analyst
最後のアクティビティ: 2024 年 12 月 5 日

最後のアクティビティ: 2024 年 12 月 2 日

I am very excited to share my new book "Data-driven method for dynamic systems" available through SIAM publishing: https://epubs.siam.org/doi/10.1137/1.9781611978162
This book brings together modern computational tools to provide an accurate understanding of dynamic data. The techniques build on pencil-and-paper mathematical techniques that go back decades and sometimes even centuries. The result is an introduction to state-of-the-art methods that complement, rather than replace, traditional analysis of time-dependent systems. One can find methods in this book that are not found in other books, as well as methods developed exclusively for the book itself. I also provide an example-driven exploration that is (hopefully) appealing to graduate students and researchers who are new to the subject.
Each and every example for the book can be reproduced using the code at this repo: https://github.com/jbramburger/DataDrivenDynSyst
Hope you like it!
Image Analyst
Image Analyst
最後のアクティビティ: 2024 年 12 月 2 日

Christmas season is underway at my house:
(Sorry - the ornament is not available at the MathWorks Merch Shop -- I made it with a 3-D printer.)
Is it possible to differenciate the input, output and in-between wires by colors?
Bob Gastineau
Bob Gastineau
最後のアクティビティ: 2024 年 12 月 4 日

I was curious to startup your new AI Chat playground.
The first screen that popped up made the statement:
"Please keep in mind that AI sometimes writes code and text that seems accurate, but isnt"
Can someone elaborate on what exactly this means with respect to your AI Chat playground integration with the Matlab tools?
Are there any accuracy metrics for this integration?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst
最後のアクティビティ: 2024 年 11 月 8 日

My favorite image processing book is The Image Processing Handbook by John Russ. It shows a wide variety of examples of algorithms from a wide variety of image sources and techniques. It's light on math so it's easy to read. You can find both hardcover and eBooks on Amazon.com Image Processing Handbook
There is also a Book by Steve Eddins, former leader of the image processing team at Mathworks. Has MATLAB code with it. Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB
You might also want to look at the free online book http://szeliski.org/Book/
最後のアクティビティ: 2024 年 11 月 2 日

I know we have all been in that all-too-common situation of needing to inefficiently identify prime numbers using only a regular expression... and now Matt Parker from Standup Maths helpfully released a YouTube video entitled "How on Earth does ^.?$|^(..+?)\1+$ produce primes?" in which he explains a simple regular expression (aka Halloween incantation) which matches composite numbers:
Here is my first attempt using MATLAB and Matt Parker's example values:
fnh = @(n) isempty(regexp(repelem('*',n),'^.?$|^(..+?)\1+$','emptymatch'));
ans = logical
ans = logical
ans = logical
ans = logical
Feel free to try/modify the incantation yourself. Happy Halloween!
Watch episodes 5-7 for the new stuff, but the whole series is really great.
Book Program
Book Program
最後のアクティビティ: 2024 年 11 月 15 日

Hello! The MathWorks Book Program is thrilled to welcome you to our discussion channel dedicated to books on MATLAB and Simulink. Here, you can:
  • Promote Your Books: Are you an author of a book on MATLAB or Simulink? Feel free to share your work with our community. We’re eager to learn about your insights and contributions to the field.
  • Request Recommendations: Looking for a book on a specific topic? Whether you're diving into advanced simulations or just starting with MATLAB, our community is here to help you find the perfect read.
  • Ask Questions: Curious about the MathWorks Book Program, or need guidance on finding resources? Post your questions and let our knowledgeable community assist you.
We’re excited to see the discussions and exchanges that will unfold here. Whether you're an expert or beginner, there's a place for you in our community. Let's embark on this journey together!
Hernia Baby
Hernia Baby
最後のアクティビティ: 2024 年 10 月 28 日

初カキコ…ども… 俺みたいな中年で深夜にMATLAB見てる腐れ野郎、 他に、いますかっていねーか、はは
今日のSNSの会話 あの流行りの曲かっこいい とか あの 服ほしい とか ま、それが普通ですわな
it'a true wolrd.狂ってる?それ、誉め 言葉ね。
好きなtoolbox Signal Processing Toolbox
尊敬する人間 Answersの海外ニキ(学校の課題質問はNO)
なんつってる間に4時っすよ(笑) あ~あ、休日の辛いとこね、これ
いっぬはMATLAB Answersに育てられてキャリアを積んできたんですよ。暇な時間を見つけてはAnswersで回答して承認欲求を満たしてきたんです。わかんない質問に対しては別の人が回答したのを学び、応用してバッジもらったりしちゃったりしてね。
そんな思い出の大事な1ピースを担うMATLAB Centralが、いま、苦境に立たされている。僕はMATLAB Centralを救いたい。
生成AIである。Hernia Babyは激怒した。必ず、かの「もうこれでいいじゃん」の王を除かなければならぬと決意した。Hernia BabyにはAIの仕組みがわからぬ。Hernia Babyは、会社の犬畜生である。マネージャが笛を吹き、エナドリと遊んで暮して来た。けれどもネットmemeに対しては、人一倍に敏感であった。
冗談はさておき、Stack Overflowでは生成AIによってトラフィック(質問数や参加人数等)が減ってきているそうです。(参考:The Fall of Stack Overflow)
風の噂によるとMATLAB Answersの質問数も微妙に減少傾向にあるそうな。
確かにTwitter(現X)でもAnswers botの呟き減ったような…。
とか言ってたらちゃっかりAI Chat Playgroundなんて出しちゃうMathWorks。逞しいね!
MATLAB Centralは日本では流行ってない?
MATLAB Centralは無料で学べる宝物庫
ただ英語の問題見たらさ~ 悪い やっぱつれぇわ…
l = 5e3;
m = 0:l;
axis equal off
zlim([-A 0])
view([-12 23])
saket singh
saket singh
最後のアクティビティ: 2024 年 10 月 13 日

hello i found the following tools helpful to write matlab programs. copilot.microsoft.com chatgpt.com/gpts gemini.google.com and ai.meta.com. thanks a lot and best wishes.