save('C:\Users\Desktop\folder\POWER.mat', 'POWER')
SAVE Save workspace variables to file.
SAVE(FILENAME) stores all variables from the current workspace in a
MATLAB formatted binary file (MAT-file) called FILENAME. Specify
FILENAME as a character vector or a string scalar. For example, specify
FILENAME as 'myFile.mat' or "myFile.mat".
SAVE(FILENAME,VARIABLES) stores only the specified variables. Specify
FILENAME and VARIABLES as character vectors or string scalars.
SAVE(FILENAME,'-struct',STRUCTNAME,FIELDNAMES) stores the fields of the
specified scalar structure as individual variables in the file. If you
include the optional FIELDNAMES, the SAVE function stores only the
specified fields of the structure. You cannot specify VARIABLES and
the '-struct' keyword in the same call to SAVE.
SAVE(FILENAME, ..., '-append') adds new variables to an existing file.
You can specify '-append' with additional inputs such as VARIABLES,
'-struct', FORMAT, or VERSION.
SAVE(FILENAME, ..., FORMAT) saves in the specified format: '-mat' or
You can specify FORMAT with additional inputs such as VARIABLES,
'-struct', '-append', or VERSION.
SAVE(FILENAME, ..., VERSION) saves to MAT-files in the specified
version: '-v4', '-v6', '-v7', or '-v7.3'.
You can specify VERSION with additional inputs such as VARIABLES,
'-struct', '-append', '-nocompression', or FORMAT.
SAVE(FILENAME, ..., '-nocompression', '-v7.3') saves to MAT-files version 7.3
without compression.
You can specify '-nocompression' with additional inputs such as VARIABLES and
'-append'. The '-nocompression' option is only supported for MAT-files version 7.3.
SAVE FILENAME ... is the command form of the syntax, for convenient
saving from the command line. With command syntax, you do not need to
enclose FILENAME in single or double quotation marks. Separate inputs
with spaces instead of commas. Do not use command syntax if inputs
such as FILENAME are variables.
FILENAME: If you do not specify FILENAME, the SAVE function saves to a
file named matlab.mat. If FILENAME does not include an extension and
the value of format is '-mat' (the default), MATLAB appends .mat. If
filename does not include a full path, MATLAB saves in the current
folder. You must have permission to write to the file.
VARIABLES: Save only selected variables from the workspace.
Use one of the following forms:
V1, V2, ... Save the listed variables. Use the '*'
wildcard to match patterns. For example,
save('A*') saves all variables that start
with A.
'-regexp', EXPRESSIONS Save only the variables that match the
specified regular expressions. SAVE treats
all inputs as regular expressions except
the optional FILENAME and STRUCTNAME. The
FILENAME input must appear first. For
more information on regular expressions,
type "doc regexp" at the command prompt.
'-struct', STRUCTNAME, FIELDNAMES: Save the fields of a scalar
structure as individual variables in the file. FIELDNAMES is optional;
specify to save only selected fields. FIELDNAMES use the same forms as
'-append': Add data to an existing file. For MAT-files, '-append' adds
new variables to the file or replaces the saved values of existing
variables with values in the workspace. For ASCII files, '-append'
adds data to the end of the file.
FORMAT: Specify the format of the file, regardless of any specified
extension. Use one of the following combinations:
'-mat' Binary MAT-file format (default).
'-ascii' 8-digit ASCII format.
'-ascii', '-tabs' Tab-delimited 8-digit ASCII format.
'-ascii', '-double' 16-digit ASCII format.
'-ascii', '-double', '-tabs' Tab-delimited 16-digit ASCII format.
For ASCII file formats, the SAVE function has the following
* Each variable must be a two-dimensional double or char array.
* MATLAB translates characters to their corresponding internal
ASCII codes. For example, 'abc' appears in an ASCII file as:
9.7000000e+001 9.8000000e+001 9.9000000e+001
* The output includes only the real component of complex numbers.
* If you plan to use the LOAD function to read the file, all
variables must have the same number of columns.
'-nocompression': Save data to a MAT-file without compression. The
'-nocompression' option is only supported for MAT-files version 7.3.
VERSION: Create a MAT-file that you can load into an earlier version of
MATLAB or that supports specific features. The following table shows
the available MAT-file version options and the corresponding supported
| Can Load in |
Option | Versions | Supported Features
'-v7.3' | 7.3 or later | Version 7.0 features plus support for
| | data items greater than or equal to 2GB on
| | 64-bit systems. This version also supports
| | saving variables without compression using
| | the '-nocompression' flag.
'-v7' | 7.0 or later | Version 6 features plus data compression and
| | Unicode character encoding
'-v6' | 5 or later | Version 4 features plus N-dimensional arrays,
| | cell and structure arrays, and variable names
| | greater than 19 characters
'-v4' | all | Two-dimensional double, character, and
| | sparse arrays
If any data items require features that the specified version does not
support, MATLAB does not save those items and issues a warning. You
cannot specify a version later than your version of MATLAB software.
To view or set the default version for MAT-files, select
File > Preferences > General > MAT-Files.
% Save all variables from the workspace to test.mat:
save test.mat
% Save two variables, where FILENAME is a variable:
savefile = 'pqfile.mat';
p = rand(1, 10);
q = ones(10);
save(savefile, 'p', 'q');
% Save the fields of a structure as individual variables:
s1.a = 12.7;
s1.b = {'abc', [4 5; 6 7]};
s1.c = 'Hello!';
save('newstruct.mat', '-struct', 's1');
% Save variables whose names contain digits:
save myfile.mat -regexp \d
Documentation for save
doc save
Other functions named save
COM/save cstprefs.tbxprefs/save vrworld/save