Calculating parts of the sparse matrix inverse
3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I have a sparse symmetric matrix H, containing on average 4 non-zero elements per row/col, and a sparse vector M with only two non-zero elements, +1 and -1, in positions t and f.
x is the values of the elements in H(i,j).
n = 3000;
H = sparse(i,j,x,n,n);
M = sparse([t f],1,[1 -1],n,1);
I want to find X = M'*H^-1*M. The lu-factors of H are computed earlier.
I know the following works:
X = M' * (U \ (L \ (P \ M)));
However, I want to go from right to left, in such a way that only two colums of P are "visited" in the calculation of (P \ M), and similar for (L \ ( P \ M)).
Is there a way of doing this "manually"?
Thank you!
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回答 (1 件)
Matt J
2013 年 4 月 26 日
編集済み: Matt J
2013 年 4 月 26 日
However, I want to go from right to left, in such a way that only two colums of P are "visited" in the calculation of (P \ M), and similar for (L \ ( P \ M)).
Well, the calculation of P\M has little to do with the columns of P. It's the rows that matter. In particular, since P is a permutation matrix, remember that inv(P)=P.'. So, if you wanted to optimize y=P\M, you could instead do
As for L\y and U\L\y, I don't think there's much you can do to optimize those stages. L and U have no simplified inverse and also the sparsity of U,L, and y are aready taken into account by mldivide.
x = A(t,f); % Not good for sparse matrices
No idea why you think this is "not good". FIND will not be better, though.
6 件のコメント
Matt J
2013 年 4 月 27 日
編集済み: Matt J
2013 年 4 月 27 日
I'm doing these calculations thousands of times, the location of the elements of M changes, thus speed is essential.
If only M is changing, but not H, then the optimal way to calculate X is to create a matrix MM whose columns are the different M. Then you can process all M in a single call to mldivide
X=sum( MM.*(H\MM) ,1)
This is advantageous because then mldivide doesn't have to refactor H for all the different M. See,
Also, mldivide is multithreaded, so it is likely that the processing of different M will be split into parallelized tasks.
When the independent vector is sparse, relative few of the columns of L have to be operated on.
It's not true, which could account for the lack of a reference or explanation in the article. I'm assuming, of course, that L has no special structure that you haven't mentioned. To see that it's not true for general L, consider this example
You can readily verify that the solution to L*y=M, for any given vector z, is
The solution therefore involves all of the columns of L through cumprod(z).
That's not to say that the sparsity of L cannot be exploited, and mldivide certainly does so, but the inversion in general can involve all of L's columns.
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