I want to draw 2 concentric circles using fplot. Suppose that radius of 1st circle is 1 and 2nd circle is 0.8 then
For Loop Method
f = figure;
ax =axes(f);
y = [1 0.8];
for i=1:2
xt = @(x) y(i)*cosd(x);
yt = @(x) y(i)*sind(x);
fplot(ax,xt,yt,[0 360])
Direct Method
Now instead of applying for loop, add two functions in xt and two in yt as shown below
xt = {@(x) cosd(x);@(x) 0.8*cosd(x)};
yt = {@(x) sind(x);@(x) 0.8*sind(x)};
Now if i use fplot
Following error occured
This error will not occur for fplot(xt,yt{1},[0 360])
I opened fplot function and i think this line is causing problem (line 69-72)
if ~isempty(args) && (isa(args{1},'function_handle') || isa(args{1}, 'sym'))
fn{end+1} = args(1);
args(1) = [];
Note that before these lines the first argument (i.e. xt) is passed to fn and removed from args which means that now args(1) means the 2nd argument (i.e. yt)
Now the problem is that args{1} is a cell containing two functions.
returns logic 0 because
ans =
2×1 cell array
{ @(x)sind(x)}
instead of args{1} there must be condition which check every element of args{1}{1,2,...}
Now i suppose that somehow this condition is true and we are on next line
there should be an iscell condition here and if it is true the code should be
Now if i make only these 2 corrections fplot works perfectly because at line 166
hObj = vectorizeFplot(cax,fn,limits,extraOpts,args);
has no problem with it
Long story short,
- how to add changes in fplot code (as it is a static workspace and i dont know if it is allowed to edit them)
- is this issue resolved in future release