Drawing Visio diagram using MATLAB 2018b
19 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I have been trying to draw an IO diagram in MS Visio using actxserver function of Matlab(2018b).
I am able to open Visio application and draw a rectangle with text in it using the folllowing code:
appVisio = actxserver('Visio.Application');
appVisio.Visible =1;
doc = appVisio.Documents.Add("Basic Diagram.vst");
pagObj = doc.Pages.Item(1);
stnObj=get(appVisio,'Documents','Basic Shapes.vss');
mast_circ = get(stnObj,'Masters','Rectangle');
pagObj.Drop(mast_circ, 5,5);
But I cannot get the position coordinates of rectangle drawn. If I would get the position coordinates of the rectangle drawn, I can draw the arrows to and from the rectangle showing the inputs and outputs of the block represented by the rectangle.
Note: I am using Microsoft VIsio 2007 and MATLAB 2018b
1 件のコメント
Adam Danz
2021 年 7 月 28 日
With all the software out there that produces these types diagrams, what is the motivation to do this in matlab?
I've been using drawio for a few years. It's free, simple, and fairly flexible. I recommend using that.
回答 (1 件)
2021 年 7 月 28 日
I was looking for something similar, and came to this example
I wrote a similar example for matlab using the actxserver. To manage the coordinates, it computes the center and top of the page, and then adds shapes based on that origin. I hope it helps
% Application
appVisio = actxserver('Visio.Application');
appVisio.Visible =1;
% Document
doc = appVisio.Documents.Add("Basic Diagram.vst");
% Page
pg = doc.Pages.Item(1);
% Get the center, top of the page:
pg_cent = pg.PageSheet.CellsU("PageWidth").ResultIU / 2
pg_top = pg.PageSheet.CellsU("PageHeight").ResultIU - 1
% Stencil
stnBasic=appVisio.Documents.OpenEx('Basic Shapes.vss',false);
% Masters for process and decission
mstProcess = get(stnFlow,'Masters','Process');
mstDecision = get(stnFlow,'Masters','Decision');
conn = get(stnConn,'Masters','Dynamic connector');
%% Example 1: Two elements, one connector
a=pg.Drop(mstProcess, pg_cent,pg_top); %inches from lower left corner
a.Text = 'a';
b=pg.Drop(mstProcess, pg_cent,pg_top-1);
b.Text = 'b';
c=pg.Drop(conn, 0,0);
% Glue to the right side:
%% Example 2: several elements
dy = .75;
for i = 0:5
new=pg.Drop(mstProcess, pg_cent+2,pg_top-i*dy); %inches from lower left corner
new.Text = sprintf('%d',i);
if i>0
c=pg.Drop(conn, 0,0);
% Glue to the right side:
last = new;
0 件のコメント
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