How to count date occurrence independently of year?
1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
I have an excel file with about 6000 dates from year 1900 and until now. I want to plot the occurrence of dates irrespective of year to see if the occurrence is dependent of time of year. How can I do this? The excel file is attached.
0 件のコメント
Adam Danz
2019 年 9 月 12 日
編集済み: Adam Danz
2019 年 9 月 13 日
This solution creates a table (T) that lists all month-day combinations in your data in 1 column and the count in the 2nd column. It also produces a plot showing the frequency of month-day combinations (ignore the year label). See comments for details.
% Read in the dates as datetime
m = readmatrix('Dates.xlsx','OutputType','datetime');
% Remove missing vals and sort dates
% (sort isn't really needed but makes it easier to look at the vector)
m = sort(m(~isnat(m)));
% find day-of-year number
doy = day(m,'dayofyear');
% count number of doy's
binEdges = 0:1:max(doy);
mdCount = histcounts(doy,binEdges);
% list all possible [month,day] values (we'll use them as labels)
allPossibleDates = (min(m):max(m)).';
mdAllPossible = unique([month(allPossibleDates), day(allPossibleDates)], 'rows');
allPossible = datetime(1904,mdAllPossible(:,1),mdAllPossible(:,2),'Format', 'MM/dd'); % Year must be any leap year
% Put results in summary table
T = table(allPossible(:), mdCount(:),'VariableNames', {'MonthDay', 'count'});
axh = axes();
plot(axh, T.MonthDay,T.count)
axh.XAxis.TickLabelFormat = 'MM-dd'; %reformat x ticks if you want mm/dd
xlabel('Day of year (mm-dd)')
title(sprintf('Data from %s to %s',datestr(min(m),'mm/dd/yyyy'),datestr(max(m),'mm/dd/yyyy')))
head(T) % show the first few rows of table
ans =
8×2 table
MonthDay count
________ _____
01/01 0
01/02 34
01/03 34
01/04 24
01/05 24
01/06 27
01/07 13
01/08 32
その他の回答 (1 件)
Jacob Ward
2019 年 9 月 12 日
This is a cool way of visualizing it as well:
dates = readtable('C:\Users\jacob\Downloads\Dates.xlsx','ReadVariableNames',false);
for n = 1:5902
datesSplitIntoParts(n,:) = double(split(string(dates{n,1}),'/'));
figure('Units','Normalized','Position',[0.1 0.1 0.8 0.8])
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