Hi again, in fact I had a more general problem : I want to add a constant number to the number that is replaced, for example :
const = 300
line = ' h(1) = -(x21 + x53)/x9 + x183 + b125'
to be replaced by
newline = ' h(1) = -(X(21) + X(53))/X(9) + X(183) + X(425)'
in the last operation, b becomes X and the number is the original one + const ... I tried
for ib = 1:b_varscount
string1 = ['b', num2str(ib)];
string2 = ['X(', num2str(ib+const), ')'];
newline = regexprep(line, string1, string2);
but it doesn't work when ib has more than one digit !
thank you for your help.