Hello! I need to extract the lines which start with PG10 from this text file. Could you please help me. Thanks! I would use while loop but I am not sure how.

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Ôªø#cP2011  4 19  0  0  0.00000000      96 ORBIT IGS08 HLM  IGS
## 1632 172800.00000000   900.00000000 55670 0.0000000000000
+   32   G01G02G03G04G05G06G07G08G09G10G11G12G13G14G15G16G17
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/* cod emr esa gfz grg jpl mit ngs sio                      
/* PCV:IGS08_1633 OL/AL:FES2004  NONE     Y  ORB:CMB CLK:CMB
*  2011  4 19  0  0  0.00000000
PG01  18897.608482    540.082488  18599.993574 999999.999999
PG02 -20204.170445  13653.480630   9952.956923    331.614342 10  6 10 138       
PG03  10622.069869 -21535.041979  10581.481322    703.817855  6  6  8 102       
PG04 -26066.529446   5690.754614  -2144.404088     92.080228 10  8  8 124       
PG05  -9170.910724  12402.572851  21597.496384   -146.772973  8  6  7 127       
PG06  14017.555859 -17687.638656  13988.386834    665.344726  4  6  8  92       
PG07 -18160.930828  -7643.617342  17911.142464      8.526717  7  9  8 126       
PG08 -24863.533262  -1743.091125   9960.655703      7.739279  9 12 11 147       
PG09  -1662.496074  15731.012804 -21885.854470     74.644942 11  8  9  95       
PG10 -19966.306302  -2669.040290  17279.950480    -71.937668  8  7  5 146       
PG11   1413.104409 -18700.621510 -19015.609009   -143.787452 10  9  7 120       
PG12   7907.258536  21296.216039 -13880.446566    -10.751195  7  7  9 124       
PG13  -7437.068376 -16822.264757  18993.386772    274.569565  7  8  7 141       
PG14  15443.790264  -1609.671516 -21371.051917    144.747500 11 11  9 153       
PG15  -3344.242493  25989.512413  -3745.773741   -134.254365  8  9 12 142       
PG16  10785.226508 -10284.746751  22014.450981   -166.120535  4  8  5 125       
PG17 -15718.539829   1031.788760 -21217.872782    184.367475  9 12  9 132       
PG18  20934.265804  15783.218184  -5038.930726    132.574240  8 11  9 115       
PG19   8056.503296 -25094.909831   -801.048176   -131.854348  7  9  9 134       
PG20 -11560.841193 -21369.377545 -10953.337549     48.966225 10  8 12 134       
PG21  19912.905427   7432.970048  16694.883464   -138.433980  8  7  9 102       
PG22  21304.285361   6298.557431 -14465.419095    149.981330  9 10  8 147       
PG23   -439.091670 -24532.625495   9712.295073    312.373050  8  9  8 130       
PG24  -1678.490424 -15414.883803 -21493.947314    382.771536 12  9  9 126       
PG25  18117.873502  19310.049473  -2238.715285     -1.145931  7  8  9 126       
PG26 -12130.627914  22220.743409   6691.258840     -6.431211  8  8 11 133       
PG27  -8130.573747  15978.528126 -18828.077498    256.815450  8  8  8 137       
PG28 -21129.294807 -10700.161394 -11760.098951     32.285342  9 11  8 136       
PG29   6233.903813  19867.655236  16593.397253    200.890975  7  6 10 146       
PG30  16674.979584  -3797.749816  19921.869540    337.951533  5 10  6 106       
PG31  25601.695949  -7478.761922    753.187282     68.421925 11  9  9 119       
PG32  -3066.032634 -20913.712764 -16044.702551   -237.731424 10  6 10 113       
*  2011  4 19  0 15  0.00000000
PG01  20323.873127   2015.074723  16943.695657 999999.999999
PG02 -21256.682427  13666.069511   7356.634381    331.616286 10  5 10 131       
PG03  10814.316143 -20093.153637  12909.587132    703.822136  5  6  8  99       
PG04 -25792.670155   5304.547165  -4897.456134     92.089434 10  8  8 103       
PG05 -11012.159990  10741.513227  21636.364294   -146.778036  8  6  7 128       
PG06  13980.827766 -15966.105116  15996.005706    665.248247  4  6  7 110       
PG07 -16160.276377  -8369.006832  19421.300551      8.527535  7  9  7 133       
PG08 -23657.958257  -2116.364966  12462.333308      7.738799  8 12 11 141       
PG09  -3889.169055  16438.558237 -21045.204881     74.646748 11  7  9 117       
PG10 -21223.761414  -4102.856926  15458.668397    -71.940278  7  7  4 147       
PG11   3297.835010 -19620.184268 -17762.674265   -143.790348  9  9  6 114       
PG12   6564.486822  20236.514832 -15985.466097    -10.748802  7  8  8 108       
PG13  -6724.160208 -18801.906081  17338.804890    274.568261  6  8  7 144       
PG14  14808.862344    812.205909 -21868.343958    144.749662 11 11  9 142       
PG15  -3688.839381  26195.084462   -918.770215   -134.251739  8  8 12 129       
PG16  12571.688860  -8540.084202  21838.175938   -166.123078  3  8  4 117       
PG17 -15160.120412  -1387.250935 -21617.661213    184.367339  9 12  8 136       
PG18  21055.538296  16312.061047  -2301.058198    132.575926  8 11  9 132       
PG19   8311.983932 -24939.466484   2069.081246   -131.857944  7  9  8 139       
PG20 -10344.651362 -20688.737318 -13258.522826     48.966095 10  7 11 126       
PG21  18122.886978   8143.730463  18306.875914   -138.436189  7  7  8 107       
PG22  22254.838423   7561.968141 -12300.923863    149.980503  9 10  8 152       
PG23     23.631681 -25419.309673   7052.354154    312.370577  7  8  7 128       
PG24    711.497095 -15983.165655 -21105.430230    382.774082 11  9  8 140       
PG25  17646.010421  19215.911996  -5058.215133     -1.145811  7  8  9  82       
PG26 -12040.996389  21199.423731   9418.433682     -6.440746  8  7 10 128       
PG27 -10234.998605  16605.122949 -17219.067574    256.817532  8  7  7 140       
PG28 -21895.910252 -11720.099896  -9248.283751     32.287531  8 11  9 149       
PG29   5622.587561  21537.795906  14602.153973    200.893677  7  6 10 143       
PG30  18352.503551  -2238.017114  18672.193654    337.954189  5 10  6 111       
PG31  25560.405887  -7272.216429  -2125.926164     68.426624  9  9  9 127       
PG32  -1616.505071 -19567.147050 -17790.158932   -237.738035 10  5  9 131       
*  2011  4 19  0 30  0.00000000
PG01  21666.693429   3281.945953  14995.042779 999999.999999
PG02 -22026.739139  13615.244932   4630.218708    331.618577 10  5 10 112       
PG03  11064.937614 -18406.867057  15006.694473    703.826978  5  6  7  98       
PG04 -25254.961927   4798.666799  -7568.316558     92.099144  9  8  8 101       
PG05 -12922.094710   9187.886823  21302.420501   -146.783352  8  6  6 128       
PG06  14003.664861 -14037.697998  17728.833050    665.151922  3  6  6 109       
PG07 -14058.486193  -9256.726434  20599.330298      8.528725  6  9  7 130       
PG08 -22217.141665  -2637.254159  14755.750856      7.739609  7 11 11 146       
PG09  -5970.152262  17229.900701 -19859.267894     74.647872 11  7  8 118       
PG10 -22382.034808  -5325.012816  13371.789448    -71.940612  6  7  4 153       
PG11   5020.540748 -20527.378202 -16207.871833   -143.793187  9  9  6 121       
PG12   4993.734793  19108.672593 -17816.952623    -10.746106  7  8  8 116       
PG13  -6172.243218 -20617.393536  15381.955055    274.566920  5  7  7 142       
PG14  14301.130161   3298.476199 -21983.496850    144.751951 11 10  8 159       
PG15  -3977.891046  26098.928981   1924.210200   -134.249159  8  7 11 136       
PG16  14417.636737  -6924.512420  21288.075117   -166.125649  3  8  3 116       
PG17 -14723.255656  -3853.464118 -21640.405809    184.367544  8 11  8 138       
PG18  20967.429745  16633.254910    475.682516    132.577811  7 10  8 111       
PG19   8497.203129 -24481.122825   4902.823321   -131.861397  6  9  8 138       
PG20  -8901.430977 -19919.430416 -15338.114749     48.966608 10  6 11 136       
PG21  16217.064743   8999.088004  19619.489935   -138.438330  6  6  8  99       
PG22  23068.299093   8611.224389  -9923.963953    149.979725  9 10  8 142       
PG23    388.105324 -26022.633571   4268.535587    312.368331  7  7  7 128       
PG24   3010.942541 -16650.678478 -20350.628998    382.777797 11  9  8 128       
PG25  16922.970537  18952.377852  -7790.800751     -1.145768  7  7  8  37       
PG26 -11939.694796  19873.456654  11975.476120     -6.450390  7  7 10 132       
PG27 -12111.672767  17260.520279 -15294.903117    256.819865  8  7  7 138       
PG28 -22495.024659 -12497.436498  -6576.184960     32.289419  8 10  9 141       
PG29   5145.355168  23003.584520  12361.350208    200.896395  7  6 10 140       
PG30  19975.241683   -864.978886  17090.720450    337.955600  5 10  6 105       
PG31  25228.355805  -6948.506016  -4968.836485     68.431319  9 10  8 130       
PG32     34.484260 -18168.927959 -19227.189687   -237.744665  9  4  9 124       
*  2011  4 19  0 45  0.00000000
PG01  22881.797267   4338.239564  12788.115599 999999.999999
PG02 -22514.148151  13464.156802   1821.793655    331.620402  9  5  9 133       
PG03  11400.188182 -16507.901958  16834.774083    703.831633  5  6  7  98       
PG04 -24478.263964   4146.518131 -10112.348835     92.108262  8  8  8  97       
PG05 -14860.302445   7768.322343  20601.734688   -146.788559  9  6  6 136       
PG06  14111.295168 -11937.409415  19157.893110    665.055438  4  5  5  95       
PG07 -11903.387206 -10305.308391  21424.560922      8.529796  5  8  6 123       
PG08 -20578.919067  -3327.607833  16801.977219      7.740505  6 11 11 136       
PG09  -7871.009133  18073.235418 -18346.590940     74.650388 10  6  8 108       
PG10 -23399.884656  -6335.845712  11056.058491    -71.941483  6  7  4 143       
PG11   6562.907398 -21386.633523 -14376.420776   -143.795900  8  9  6 114       
PG12   3208.922483  17955.794957 -19343.179595    -10.743646  7  9  7 120       
PG13  -5764.222686 -22225.117778  13157.176599    274.565764  5  6  7 141       
PG14  13932.716577   5798.881666 -21714.901172    144.754250 11 10  8 146       
PG15  -4247.516571  25697.424532   4733.736133   -134.246702  8  6 11 140       
PG16  16281.266926  -5464.119628  20374.411894   -166.128110  4  8  3 123       
PG17 -14417.149380  -6317.934983 -21286.396242    184.367294  8 11  8 136       
PG18  20646.804269  16772.854089   3244.450525    132.579406  7 10  8 113       
PG19   8649.616788 -23719.410799   7650.385454   -131.865079  6  9  7 137       
PG20  -7240.639983 -19100.809844 -17156.985094     48.966519  9  6 10 131       
PG21  14237.039964  10000.903025  20610.610698   -138.440716  5  6  7  99       
PG22  23707.261518   9453.487686  -7375.952803    149.979263  9 10  8 130       
PG23    687.983899 -26323.545904   1409.683569    312.365866  6  7  7 122       
PG24   5178.208800 -17393.465410 -19241.922954    382.780033 10  8  8 130       
PG25  15938.299681  18556.597486 -10389.536053     -1.145683  7  7  8  92       
PG26 -11865.982997  18260.446390  14315.186729     -6.460065  7  7  9 130       
PG27 -13733.877023  17904.915402 -13091.745475    256.823408  8  6  7 129       
PG28 -22890.542172 -13047.851390  -3790.849351     32.292102  8 10  9 141       
PG29   4779.09635
  2 件のコメント
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017 年 12 月 1 日
I rescued this from the spam quarantine. Please edit your post to make the subject line the body of the message and use a short subject, then get rid of all those numbers. Attach the file with the paper clip icon.
gblmtc 2017 年 12 月 1 日
Thank you! this is the file I was talking about and I have to extract just the lines which start with PG10.



dpb 2017 年 12 月 1 日
編集済み: dpb 2017 年 12 月 2 日
fmt=['PG10 ' repmat('%f ',1,8)];
while ~feof(fid)
PG10=[PG10; cell2mat(textscan(fid,fmt,'collectoutput',1))];
is the "quick-n-dirty" solution. It simply concatenates the next set of values onto the preceding with dynamic reallocation. Presuming there aren't a zillion PG10 records in the file, this will be quick-enough.
If there are so many that performance is slow, preallocate the array as
and populate it by keeping a counter
i=0; % initialize counter
while ~feof(fid)
i=i+1; % increment
Per the note in comments, the above won't work as is...
fmt=['PG10 ' repmat('%f ',1,8)];
while ~feof(fid)
l=fgetl(fid); % read a record
if strfind(l,'PG10')
PG10=[PG10; cell2mat(textscan(l,fmt,'collectoutput',1))];
  7 件のコメント
dpb 2017 年 12 月 2 日
Actually, this won't work; the format string route is too inflexible in that textscan won't just ignore the lines without the proper string but will instead croak when there's a line that doesn't match...you'll have to read line-by-line and parse the lines that match or read the whole file and then select the desired rows. See the updated Answer...
gblmtc 2017 年 12 月 4 日
Hi dpd! It actually worked. I tried now again and I have the PG10 with the lines I need. Today I meet my teacher and ask him if it's all ok. Thanks for your help!


その他の回答 (0 件)


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