How to save the best agent during the training of RL?
32 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
During the training of a reinforcement learning algorithm, I only want to save the agent that gets the biggest episode reward. what should I do?
1 件のコメント
2025 年 1 月 13 日 9:44
Could you please let me know what you have tried and where you are facing any issues ?
回答 (1 件)
2025 年 1 月 13 日 9:53
HI @sjgege1005
I am assuming that you have defined necesaary functions "resetEnvironmentAndAgen", "chooseAction" and "stepEnvironment". You need to use MATLAB's "save" function to store the best-performing agent in "bestAgent.mat" whenever a new maximum reward is achieved. Kindly refer to the below code as an example.
function [nextState, reward, isDone] = stepEnvironment(state, action)
% Replace this with your environment's specific transition logic
nextState = state + action;
reward = -sum(abs(nextState));
isDone = norm(nextState) > 10;
for episode = 1:numEpisodes
% Reset environment and agent for the new episode
[state, agent] = resetEnvironmentAndAgent(); % Define this function as needed
totalReward = 0;
isDone = false;
while ~isDone
% Choose an action based on the current state
action = chooseAction(agent, state);
% Take the action in the environment and observe the result
[nextState, reward, isDone] = stepEnvironment(state, action);
% Update total reward
totalReward = totalReward + reward;
% Update state
state = nextState;
% Check if this is the best agent so far
if totalReward > maxReward
maxReward = totalReward;
bestAgent = agent; % Save the best agent
save('bestAgent.mat', 'bestAgent'); % Save the best agent to a .mat file
For more information regarding "Train Reinforcement Learning Agent", kindly refer to the following MATLAB documentation:
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