

Last seen: Today 2024 年からアクティブ

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Need to rectify error in my matlab code given below
Hi Jasmine, The error you encounter is due to the incorrect use of symbolic differentiation and the definition of “n(t)” as a ...

2日 前 | 0

Every time I log in, I get an error message dialog: Error starting MATLAB Connector: One or more services failed to start
Hi Garrett Mitchener, I too have encountered this error. The error message indicates that the services is not installed proper...

3日 前 | 0

How to properly change the sampling time of Vehicle Control Unit subsystem?
Hi Duc Giap Nguyen, I am assuming that the VCU is a referenced subsystem within a larger system, and it contains an MPC subsys...

13日 前 | 0

Simulink data type conversion, single to uint16.
Hi Jamie, I am assuming that you have used "Data Type Conversion" block, and the conversion to "uint16" resulted in unexpected...

14日 前 | 0

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Export figure to eps or pdf: latex font is no longer embedded
Hi Florian Klinger, I too have encountered the similar error. The workaround that worked for me was ensuring that the EPS fil...

16日 前 | 0

Copy Figure in MetaFile Error
Hi Chris_WMS, I also have encountered the similar error when I adjusted the copy options as follows: Clipboard format: Metaf...

16日 前 | 0

Query on Sampling Time Relative to Computation Completion in Simulink
Hi Yunchao, I am assuming that T1 and T+1 are absolute times, T1 is the time when the triggered subsystem starts its comput...

17日 前 | 0

Insert data in uitable from textbox
Hi Abdullah, The challenge you are facing arises when the new results are added to the table without preserving the existing d...

約1ヶ月 前 | 0

How do I plot a 3-d matrix.( error with surf)
Hi Savitha, The error you receive “Error using” suggests that the input that you passe...

約1ヶ月 前 | 0

How to get xyz coordinates from 3d surface?
Hi Youb, From my understanding, the "gridtrimesh(f,v,X,Y)" fits a surface of the form “Z=F(X,Y)” to the triangular mesh defin...

約1ヶ月 前 | 0

I need to run Optimization using models I generated in Regression Learner
Hi Roberto ! I am assuming that you are able to generate multiple surrogate models using the Regression Learner in the Machine ...

約1ヶ月 前 | 0

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dock graphics window size
Hello Stephen, There are several methods to reset the window size to its default settings: Property Inspector: Open the Prop...

約1ヶ月 前 | 0

How to plot the input which is R for LQR?
Hello Inam! According to your question, I am assuming that you are able to plot the cart position and pendulum angle on a plot...

約1ヶ月 前 | 0

trainNetwork reports too many input arguments in 2024a
Hello Peter! I've replicated your scenario in MATLAB R2024a, and the"trainNetwork"function is providing the expected results. ...

約1ヶ月 前 | 0

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