
How to solve the error: Expected input number 2, B, to be one of these types: logical, double, categorical Instead its type was uint8?

44 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I used jaccard method as following:
A = imread('R7001-60.png');
I = im2gray(A);
title('OutPut Image')
mask = false(size(I));
mask(25:end-25,25:end-25) = true;
BW = activecontour(I, mask, 300);
BW_groundTruth = imread('gT7001_60.png');
similarity = jaccard(BW, BW_groundTruth);
and I got the following error:
Error using jaccard
Expected input number 2, B, to be one of these types:
logical, double, categorical
Instead its type was uint8.
Error in
(line 118)
validateInput = @(x,name,pos) validateattributes(x, ...
Error in jaccard (line 124)
Error in Gtruth3 (line 37)
similarity = jaccard(BW, BW_groundTruth);
can anyone help me to fix it?


Matt J
Matt J 2023 年 10 月 6 日
BW_groundTruth = logical(imread('gT7001_60.png'));
  4 件のコメント
yasmin ismail
yasmin ismail 2023 年 10 月 6 日
@Matt J another question , I tried to use evaluatesemanticsegmentation function as follow:
destinationTestLabels = "D:\Matlab pics\matlab practices21\Phd analysis\trial meyhods\GroundTruth\crack\testLabels";
destinationTestImages = "D:\Matlab pics\matlab practices21\Phd analysis\trial meyhods\GroundTruth\crack\testImages";
testImagesDir = fullfile(destinationTestImages,'testImages');
testLabelsDir = fullfile(destinationTestLabels,'testLabels');
pixelLabelID = [1 0];
classNames = ["crack" "background"];
imds = imageDatastore(destinationTestImages);
pxdstest11 = pixelLabelDatastore(destinationTestLabels,classNames,pixelLabelID,"FileExtensions",".png");
data = load('triangleSegmentationNetwork');
net = data.net
pxdsResults = semanticseg(imds,net,"WriteLocation",tempdir);
I got the following error:
Error using SeriesNetwork/activations (line 817)
The spatial dimension sizes [313 316 3] of the input images to layer 'imageinput' must be greater than
or equal to the corresponding minimum input dimension sizes of the layer [32 32 1].
Error in semanticseg>iPredictDAGSeriesNetwork (line 609)
allScores = activations(net, X, layerName, ...
Error in semanticseg>iClassifyImagePixels (line 556)
allScores = iPredictDAGSeriesNetwork(X, net, params);
Error in semanticseg>iProcessImageDatastoreSerially (line 938)
L = iClassifyImagePixels(X{i}, net, params);
Error in semanticseg (line 265)
filenames = iProcessImageDatastoreSerially(ds, net, params);
Error in Gtruth3 (line 11)
pxdsResults = semanticseg(imds,net,"WriteLocation",tempdir);
I followed the same steps mentioned in:
The files mentioned has the same previouse two attached images, can You help me to fix this erro to calculate IoU?
Matt J
Matt J 2023 年 10 月 6 日
@Matt J another question ,
Please post it in its own thread, and Accept-click the answer to the one you posted here.


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