k_values = [0, 10, 20, 30];
autonomous = (5*a + b) + 3*c + d + 5*e;
teleop = (3*f + g) + h + 10*i;
endgame = 5*j + 20*l + k;
total_score = autonomous + teleop + endgame;
if total_score > highest_score
highest_score = total_score;
if total_score < lowest_score
lowest_score = total_score;
autonomous_values = [autonomous_values; autonomous];
teleop_values = [teleop_values; teleop];
endgame_values = [endgame_values; endgame];
total_scores = [total_scores; total_score];
disp(['Highest Possible Score: ', num2str(highest_score)]);
disp(['Lowest Possible Score: ', num2str(lowest_score)]);
scatter3(autonomous_values, teleop_values, endgame_values, 10, total_scores, 'filled');
title('Total Score vs. Autonomous, Teleop, Endgame');
autonomous_table = table(autonomous_values, total_scores, 'VariableNames', {'Autonomous', 'TotalScore'});
teleop_table = table(teleop_values, total_scores, 'VariableNames', {'Teleop', 'TotalScore'});
endgame_table = table(endgame_values, total_scores, 'VariableNames', {'Endgame', 'TotalScore'});
disp('Autonomous Values and Total Scores:');
disp('Teleop Values and Total Scores:');
disp('Endgame Values and Total Scores:');