How to create bar chart with x axis labels as grouped for different data
31 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Hello all, I want to plot a bar chart in matlab. I have plotted it in excel and attached the image for reference:

I have attached the excel file also. Any clue on how to get this.
1 件のコメント
2023 年 8 月 28 日
<Shows up in Links>, might look at it for ideas.
Unfortunately, "ouf of the box", the MATLAB bar() function is limited.
Dave B
2023 年 8 月 28 日
Unfortunately MATLAB doesn't have a builtin feature for creating hierarchical rulers. An alternate workaround to the one dpb links to in the comment above is to use tiledlayout to make a separate axes for each bar chart. Here's an example that produces something somewhat similar to what you got in Excel:
tbl = readtable('Book1.xlsx','TextType','string');
%% This chunk fills in the rows in the table to match the top row for the section
for i = 2:height(tbl)
for j = 1:width(tbl)
if ismissing(tbl{i,j})
tbl{i,j} = tbl{i-1,j};
tbl.SolutionAlgorithm = categorical(tbl.SolutionAlgorithm, ["SIMPLE" "SIMPLEC" "COUPLED"]);
groups = unique(tbl.TurbulenceModels,'stable');
% This layout will hold each of the axes
layout = tiledlayout(1,numel(groups),'TileSpacing','tight');
% A background axes serves to create the illusion that tall of the bar
% charts live in the same axes, in reality there will be one Axes for
% each group
backax.Layout.TileSpan=[1 numel(groups)];
for i = 1:numel(groups)
% Note: this code uses axes and then sets the tile rather than using
% the nexttile function. The latter would potentially target 'backax'
% on the first iteration
ax = axes(layout);
% Make a bar chart for each group:
ax.Layout.Tile = i;
ind1 = tbl.TurbulenceModels==groups(i) & tbl.MeshingModels=="Tetrahedral";
ind2 = tbl.TurbulenceModels==groups(i) & tbl.MeshingModels=="Hexcore";
x = [tbl.SolutionAlgorithm(ind1) tbl.SolutionAlgorithm(ind2)];
y = [tbl.Cd(ind1) tbl.Cd(ind2)];
bar(x, y, 'BaseValue', .4, 'EdgeColor', 'none')
% This uses the Tex interpreter to add line breaks to the group names,
% unforturnately this has the side effect of left-justifying the groups
xlabel(groups(i).replace(" ","\newline"))
% Toggle the visibility of the axes as a whole (the white background
% and both rulers) off, then toggle the visibility of just the x axis
% back on.
set(ax,'XTickLabelRotation',90,'YTick',[],'Visible','off','YLim',[.4 1],'TickDir','none')
% Because the individual axes objects have their own x axis, it can be
% disabled on the background axes
% set the background axes y limits to match the last axes created, and add
% a label.
ylim(backax, ylim(ax));
% A legend must be associated with an axes, but it can be positioned with
% respect to the layout as follows:
leg = legend(ax, ["Tetrahedral meshing" "Hexcore meshing"],"Orientation",'horizontal');
% Make the aspect ratio a little wider for this long x axis
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