
Speed up vectorized code automatic expansion logical indexing

2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Alessandro Maria Marco
Alessandro Maria Marco 2022 年 10 月 19 日
I have to compute the maximum of a 2-dimensional array repeatedly in a nested loop and I am trying to speed up the code, also using automatic expansion.
Basically I have an array F(l,a',a,z) and for each a and z (these are the loop variables) I find the maximum over l and a' and store it in some arrays. Consider that to compute the maximand I call a function. I already use automatic expansion in some places (see comments in the MWE) and I use logical indexing inside the function.
I attach a minimum working example so that anyone can run the problem. I tested it with Matlab online in this forum and it runs. Any help is greatly appreciated!
close all
na = 300;
nz = 66;
nl = 50;
% Generate fake data
l_grid = linspace(0.001,0.999,nl)' ;
a_grid = linspace(1e-6,250,na)';
z_grid = linspace(0.02,25,nz)';
% pi_z is a transition matrix
pi_z = rand(nz,nz);
pi_z = pi_z./sum(pi_z,2);
V_next = rand(na,nz);
% Initialize output of the loop
V = zeros(na,nz);
pol_ap = zeros(na,nz);
pol_l = zeros(na,nz);
% Choice variables: (l,a')
l_choice = l_grid; %(nl,1)
aprime_choice = a_grid'; %(1,na)
%% Numerical computation starts here
% Expected value EV(a') given z,theta and z' integrated out
EV = V_next*pi_z'; % V(a',z')*pi(z,z')T ==> EV(a',z)
% Loop over shock z today
for z_c = 1:nz
EVz = EV(:,z_c)';
% Loop over assets today
for a_c = 1:na
a_val = a_grid(a_c); % assets today, scalar
z_val = z_grid(z_c); % shock today, scalar
RHS_mat = myfun(l_choice,aprime_choice,a_val,z_val)+EVz;
[V(a_c,z_c),opt_ind] = max(RHS_mat(:));
[l_opt_ind,ap_opt_ind] = ind2sub([nl,na],opt_ind);
aprime_opt = a_grid(ap_opt_ind);
l_opt = l_grid(l_opt_ind);
pol_ap(a_c,z_c) = aprime_opt;
pol_l(a_c,z_c) = l_opt;
end % end loop over assets a
end % end loop over z
Elapsed time is 6.147432 seconds.
function F = myfun(l,aprime,a_val,z_val)
aux = 3.5;
cons = a_val+l*z_val - aprime; % Use automatic expansion, dim: (nl,na)
indx = cons<=0; % NOT feasible!
F = log(cons)-l.^aux/aux; % Use automatic expansion
F(indx) = -inf; % Logical indexing
  6 件のコメント
Alessandro Maria Marco
Alessandro Maria Marco 2022 年 10 月 19 日
@dpb Thanks for your suggestion, I tried it but it doesn't work since the array sizes are not compatible. Specifically, the following line of your code generates a mistake:
Before applying the logical mask, cons has dimension (nl,na) and l has dimension (nl,1). The addition is OK because Matlab automatically expand the l term to make it compatible with the first. However, if you do cons(ix) you are changing the number of elements, so that the sizes become not compatible.
I think a better route would be to eliminate the nested loops over a_c and z_c, but I found it challenging.
dpb 2022 年 10 月 19 日
OK, overlooked that in the indexing expression, yes.
I've some other commitments have to get ready for; if get a chance I'll see if I can find enough time to figure out what it is this is actually doing.
First guess that might help would be to look at meshgrid examples if what your doing is trying to evaluate a function over a 2D grid as it looks like might be...for debugging/testing, I'd also suggest cutting your array sizes down to something that fits on one screen in the command line window -- it's MUCH easier to figure out what's going on when the sizes are like 5x3 or somesuch instead of "cast of thousands" and the logic is no different with size.



dpb 2022 年 10 月 19 日
function F = myfun(l,aprime,a_val,z_val)
aux = 3.5;
cons = a_val+l*z_val - aprime;
indx=cons>0; % feasible!
Using the above modfication of your function and a slightly smaller array size just so it wouldn't take too long I got the following results on local machine --
>> amm % original
Elapsed time is 2.460195 seconds.
>> amm % above modification
Elapsed time is 1.465042 seconds.
That's about a 40% reduction which is not quite a factor of 2X, but getting close....
I didn't put the original back to test, but when I bumped the array sizes back to match yours, it was
>> amm
Elapsed time is 3.748369 seconds.
Using the 60% factor, that would scale to about 6.3 sec for the original that is in ballpark of the above...
I did look at the code some more; it doesn't appear to be particularly amenable to further vectorizing.
I would suspect although I did not investigate further that the bigger speed up could be gained by screening the input vectors for the ranges that can't be feasible first and only iterating over those instead of the full, dead-ahead, just try 'em all approach.
  1 件のコメント
Alessandro Maria Marco
Alessandro Maria Marco 2022 年 10 月 20 日
Thanks a lot for your answer! I tested your code on my PC with the original grid size and I got a good speed-up: from 3.73 seconds to 2.03 seconds. The reason is that now we take the log only of positive numbers, so we avoid doing unnecessary computations that will be discarded anyways.
I reproduce the experiment below
close all
na = 300;
nz = 66;
nl = 50;
% Generate fake data
l_grid = linspace(0.001,0.999,nl)' ;
a_grid = linspace(1e-6,250,na)';
z_grid = linspace(0.02,25,nz)';
% pi_z is a transition matrix
pi_z = rand(nz,nz);
pi_z = pi_z./sum(pi_z,2);
V_next = rand(na,nz);
% Initialize output of the loop
V = zeros(na,nz);
pol_ap = zeros(na,nz);
pol_l = zeros(na,nz);
% Choice variables: (l,a')
l = l_grid; %(nl,1)
aprime = a_grid'; %(1,na)
%% Numerical computation starts here
disp('Method 1')
Method 1
% Expected value EV(a') given z,theta and z' integrated out
EV = V_next*pi_z'; % V(a',z')*pi(z,z')T ==> EV(a',z)
% Loop over shock z today
for z_c = 1:nz
EVz = EV(:,z_c)';
% Loop over assets today
for a_c = 1:na
a_val = a_grid(a_c); % assets today, scalar
z_val = z_grid(z_c); % shock today, scalar
RHS_mat = myfun(l,aprime,a_val,z_val)+EVz;
[V(a_c,z_c),opt_ind] = max(RHS_mat(:));
[l_opt_ind,ap_opt_ind] = ind2sub([nl,na],opt_ind);
aprime_opt = a_grid(ap_opt_ind);
l_opt = l_grid(l_opt_ind);
pol_ap(a_c,z_c) = aprime_opt;
pol_l(a_c,z_c) = l_opt;
end % end loop over assets a
end % end loop over z
t1 = 4.1172
%% Method 2
disp('Method 2, courtesy of dpb on Matlab answers')
Method 2, courtesy of dpb on Matlab answers
% Initialize output of the loop
V2 = zeros(na,nz);
pol_ap2 = zeros(na,nz);
pol_l2 = zeros(na,nz);
% Expected value EV(a') given z,theta and z' integrated out
EV = V_next*pi_z'; % V(a',z')*pi(z,z')T ==> EV(a',z)
% Loop over shock z today
for z_c = 1:nz
EVz = EV(:,z_c)';
% Loop over assets today
for a_c = 1:na
a_val = a_grid(a_c); % assets today, scalar
z_val = z_grid(z_c); % shock today, scalar
RHS_mat = myfun2(l,aprime,a_val,z_val)+EVz;
[V2(a_c,z_c),opt_ind] = max(RHS_mat(:));
[l_opt_ind,ap_opt_ind] = ind2sub([nl,na],opt_ind);
aprime_opt = a_grid(ap_opt_ind);
l_opt = l_grid(l_opt_ind);
pol_ap2(a_c,z_c) = aprime_opt;
pol_l2(a_c,z_c) = l_opt;
end % end loop over assets a
end % end loop over z
t2 = 2.7294
err_l = max(abs(pol_l(:)-pol_l2(:)));
err_ap = max(abs(pol_ap(:)-pol_ap2(:)));
err_V = max(abs(V(:)-V2(:)));
0 0 0
fprintf('Speed up gain: %f \n',t2/t1)
Speed up gain: 0.662923
function F = myfun(l,aprime,a_val,z_val)
aux = 3.5;
cons = a_val+l.*z_val - aprime; % Use automatic expansion, dim: (nl,na)
indx = cons<=0; % NOT feasibility
F = log(cons)-l.^aux/aux; % Use automatic expansion
F(indx) = -inf;
function F = myfun2(l,aprime,a_val,z_val)
aux = 3.5;
cons = a_val+l*z_val - aprime;
F = -inf(size(cons)); % (nl,na)
indx = cons>0; % feasible! % (nl,na)
F(indx) = log(cons(indx)); % (nl,na)
F = F-l.^aux/aux; % Array (nl,na) + array (nl,1)==> array (nl,na)


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