
I have a variable which is <1X1000>.. how can i convert it to <1000x1> ?

4 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Suresh R
Suresh R 2015 年 1 月 27 日
コメント済み: Stephen23 2015 年 1 月 27 日
My problem is, i have to change all the columns to rows, i am new to matlab, can somebody please help!


David Young
David Young 2015 年 1 月 27 日
See the documentation for transpose - give the command
doc transpose
help transpose
  3 件のコメント
David Young
David Young 2015 年 1 月 27 日
Not on my system (R2014b under Windows), Stephen. Both take negligible time compared to whatever else the program might be doing.
Stephen23 2015 年 1 月 27 日
Fair enough :)


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