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Class: dlhdl.Workflow
Namespace: dlhdl

Retrieve names and descriptions of debug status registers

Since R2024a


registerList = getStatusRegisterList(workflowObject)


registerList = getStatusRegisterList(workflowObject) returns a table containing the names and descriptions of debug status registers.

Input Arguments

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Deep learning network deployment options, specified as a dlhdl.Workflow object.

Output Arguments

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List of debug status registers and register descriptions, returned as a table. To learn more about the debug status registers, see Interface with the Deep Learning Processor IP Core.


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  • Create a dlhdl.Workflow object and then use the getStatusRegisterList method to retrieve a table that contains the register names and descriptions.

    hT = dlhdl.Target("Xilinx",Interface = "Ethernet");
    [net,classnames] = iamgePretrainedNetwork("resnet18");
    hW = dlhdl.Workflow(Network = net,Bitstream = "zcu102_single",Target = hT);
    registerList = getStatusRegisterList(hW)
    registerList =
      13×2 table
          DebugRegisterNames                          Description                   
        _______________________    _________________________________________________
        "DLStart"                  "Marks the starting of DL-processor"             
        "CONVLayerStartCount"      "Counter that updates once a conv layer starts"  
        "CONVLayerEndCount"        "Counter that updates once a conv layer ends"    
        "CONVLayerActive"          "High when conv layer is being processed"        
        "FCLayerStartCount"        "Counter that updates once a fc layer starts"    
        "FCLayerEndCount"          "Counter that updates once a fc layer ends"      
        "FCLayerActive"            "High when fc layer is being processed"          
        "CustomLayerStartCount"    "Counter that updates once a custom layer starts"
        "CustomLayerEndCount"      "Counter that updates once a custom layer ends"  
        "CustomLayerActive"        "High when custom layer is being processed"      
        "FrameStartCount"          "Counter that updates once a frame starts"       
        "FrameEndCount"            "Counter that updates once a frame ends"         
        "DLDone"                   "Marks the finishing of DL-processor"      

Version History

Introduced in R2024a