Model-Based Systems Engineering Enablement: Design, Analyse, and Test System and Software Architectures - MATLAB & Simulink

The development of high-integrity systems is complex, with considerable schedule and cost risks. Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is a core enabling function to ensure these risks are managed and mitigated. Model-Based Design with MATLAB® and Simulink® supports systems engineering throughout the product development life cycle.

If you are establishing new systems engineering processes, or considering migration from or integration with other tools, a proof of concept (POC) project with MathWorks Consulting engineers can demonstrate systems engineering enablement support specifically addressing these needs.

Learn how to:

  • Capture and manage system requirements enabling impact and coverage analysis
  • Optimise system architectures by capturing architecture metadata and directly connecting to MATLAB analytics for domain-specific trade studies
  • Create simplified model views to isolate the components of interest for different engineering concerns
  • Validate requirements and verify system architectures using simulation-based tests
  • Translate and refine requirements into architectures with components ready for simulation and implementation using Model-Based Design in Simulink