Qualified Code Verification – Model To Code | Using Qualified Tools in a DO-178C Development Process, Part 6 - MATLAB & Simulink
Video length is 5:12

Qualified Code Verification – Model To Code | Using Qualified Tools in a DO-178C Development Process, Part 6

From the series: Using Qualified Tools in a DO-178C Development Process

Showing compliance and traceability of the source code to low-level software requirements cover several objectives in DO-178C. When using Model-Based Design, DO-331 requires showing compliance and traceability of the source code to the model. Embedded Coder® has the capability to generate code that complies with and is traceable to the model. Simulink Code Inspector™ supports a restricted subset of Simulink®, Stateflow®, and MATLAB® functionality in the models. There is a compatibility checker that verifies that the model complies with the restricted subset, prior to running the code inspection analysis. Simulink Code Inspector™ is a static analysis tool that is used to analyze the model and C source code to verify functional and structural equivalence. This analysis can be run directly from a menu in Simulink after code generation. Simulink Code Inspector performs verification and traceability analysis in both directions. First, it verifies that all model elements and constructs that should have code generated do have that code and that it is functionally correct. Any missing or incorrect code is flagged in the Simulink Code Inspector report. Secondly, it verifies that all of the code that is produced is required and is traceable back to the model. Any extra code that is found is flagged in the Simulink Code Inspector report. Any issues that are found are indicated in the report such that the line of code in error is indicated, as well as the model element related to that code. The DO Qualification Kit provides the necessary artifacts to qualify the source code verification and reporting by Simulink Code Inspector.

Published: 24 Sep 2024

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