Unknown hook 'FMUExportTestingMode'. Either no such hook is registered or the module registering the hook is currently not loaded.
The solution is to call load_system() before calling exportToFMU(): load_system(modelName); exportToFMU(modelName,'FMIVersion'...
Unknown hook 'FMUExportTestingMode'. Either no such hook is registered or the module registering the hook is currently not loaded.
The solution is to call load_system() before calling exportToFMU(): load_system(modelName); exportToFMU(modelName,'FMIVersion'...
27日 前 | 0
| 採用済み
Unknown hook 'FMUExportTestingMode'. Either no such hook is registered or the module registering the hook is currently not loaded.
I'm trying to run a script that generates FMUs using the MATLAB function exportToFMU. I ran it successfully many times yesterday...
27日 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
How can I use a coder.opaque value in a Matlab expression with codegen?
coder.eval('(int)', fid) can be used to return the value as integer. Example: fp_int = int32(0); fp = coder.opaq...
How can I use a coder.opaque value in a Matlab expression with codegen?
coder.eval('(int)', fid) can be used to return the value as integer. Example: fp_int = int32(0); fp = coder.opaq...
約8年 前 | 1
How to troubleshhot Code generation error messages ('Dimension 2 is fixed on the left-hand side')?
I have been struggeling with a tricky error message that I get during code generation. I have a Simulink model that contains ...
9年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0