randomly select elements of an array
Use "randsample" For array: Arry = [1 4 5 7 8 9]; Smpl = randsample(Arry, 3) For strings: Arry = ["Yellow" "Green" "Blue" "...
randomly select elements of an array
Use "randsample" For array: Arry = [1 4 5 7 8 9]; Smpl = randsample(Arry, 3) For strings: Arry = ["Yellow" "Green" "Blue" "...
約3年 前 | 0
How to find and access a file / folder on the entire hard drive with Matlab?
I would not recommend performing the search itself directly in matlab. Instead I would invoke the system search using the "syste...
How to find and access a file / folder on the entire hard drive with Matlab?
I would not recommend performing the search itself directly in matlab. Instead I would invoke the system search using the "syste...
4年弱 前 | 0
How do I check a each element of a 2 x n matrix for values to remove?
Is your lens a spherical lens, in which case there is a very simple solution (Google intersection of line with sphere: Wiki). D...
How do I check a each element of a 2 x n matrix for values to remove?
Is your lens a spherical lens, in which case there is a very simple solution (Google intersection of line with sphere: Wiki). D...
4年弱 前 | 0
| 採用済み
How can I convert this image in binary image such that region inside red curve is filled with white while rest with black?
Your question is quite vague and the methodology and results depend very much on how the images vary. Remember that the compute...
How can I convert this image in binary image such that region inside red curve is filled with white while rest with black?
Your question is quite vague and the methodology and results depend very much on how the images vary. Remember that the compute...
4年弱 前 | 0
Big 3D gridded data set
If you really do need all the data, then you can also use "matfile". You bascially then have a cell-array of matfile objects and...
Big 3D gridded data set
If you really do need all the data, then you can also use "matfile". You bascially then have a cell-array of matfile objects and...
4年弱 前 | 0
Load text file from subfolder
BaseDir = 'BaseDir'; % Change string to base folder tmp = dir(BaseDir); % Obtains list of files ...
Load text file from subfolder
BaseDir = 'BaseDir'; % Change string to base folder tmp = dir(BaseDir); % Obtains list of files ...
4年弱 前 | 0
Make a checkerboard matrix
Given an integer n, make an n-by-n matrix made up of alternating ones and zeros as shown below. The a(1,1) should be 1. Examp...
4年弱 前
Column Removal
Remove the nth column from input matrix A and return the resulting matrix in output B. So if A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]; ...
4年弱 前
Matlab Basics - Rounding III
Write a script to round a large number to the nearest 10,000 e.g. x = 12,358,466,243 --> y = 12,358,470,000
4年弱 前
Find the maximum number of decimal places in a set of numbers
Given a vector or matrix of values, calculate the maximum number of decimal places within the input. Trailing zeros do not coun...
4年以上 前
How to make and use many fast functions in Matlab?
My recommendation would be to write a class which would significantly reduce the redundancy in your code. You can use dependent ...
How to make and use many fast functions in Matlab?
My recommendation would be to write a class which would significantly reduce the redundancy in your code. You can use dependent ...
約6年 前 | 0
Plotting from a loop in a live script in Matlab 2016b
There is a slight workaround, which works in version 2017b (no need to manually create the axes, replace this and the title line...
Plotting from a loop in a live script in Matlab 2016b
There is a slight workaround, which works in version 2017b (no need to manually create the axes, replace this and the title line...
7年弱 前 | 1
Camera identified by hardware detection application but doesn't show up in image acquisition tool
With regards to copying the data, there is an alternative method, but exactly what use it is I do not know. I've actually manage...
Camera identified by hardware detection application but doesn't show up in image acquisition tool
With regards to copying the data, there is an alternative method, but exactly what use it is I do not know. I've actually manage...
9年以上 前 | 0
Sum all integers from 1 to 2^n
Given the number x, y must be the summation of all integers from 1 to 2^x. For instance if x=2 then y must be 1+2+3+4=10.
9年以上 前
Determine if input is odd
Given the input n, return true if n is odd or false if n is even.
9年以上 前
What's wrong with this expression?
Are a, b, & c scalars. If so: y = a*exp(-((x-b)/c).^2); However, a more general version makes use of bsxfun ( <http://matlab...
What's wrong with this expression?
Are a, b, & c scalars. If so: y = a*exp(-((x-b)/c).^2); However, a more general version makes use of bsxfun ( <http://matlab...
9年以上 前 | 0
Cylindrical to rectangular correction in image processing
Create projected co-ordinates of original image [Ny, Nx] = size(Img); x = (1:Nx).'; y = (1:Ny).'; Create original ...
Cylindrical to rectangular correction in image processing
Create projected co-ordinates of original image [Ny, Nx] = size(Img); x = (1:Nx).'; y = (1:Ny).'; Create original ...
9年以上 前 | 0
How to write a Monte Carlo Simulation Code?
Your question is ill-defined. Monte-Carlo simulations simply mean perform your simulation with varying inputs such that the i...
How to write a Monte Carlo Simulation Code?
Your question is ill-defined. Monte-Carlo simulations simply mean perform your simulation with varying inputs such that the i...
9年以上 前 | 2
How to show a sequence of images
You need to either add a callback function to the image/figure to respond to user key presses or mouse clicks, or you could add ...
How to show a sequence of images
You need to either add a callback function to the image/figure to respond to user key presses or mouse clicks, or you could add ...
9年以上 前 | 0
Matlab OOP, dependent class properties, correct coding techiques
I generally just ignore this warning - you can turn it off for the line, file or all files (I've done the latter). In your sc...
Matlab OOP, dependent class properties, correct coding techiques
I generally just ignore this warning - you can turn it off for the line, file or all files (I've done the latter). In your sc...
9年以上 前 | 1
| 採用済み
How can I use MATLAB to estimate the parameters of an exponential-gamma convolution?
Simple solution v = fminsearch(@(v) sum(abs(Data - YourGammaConvolutionFunction(v(1), v(2), v(3))).^2), [v01 v02 v03]); ...
How can I use MATLAB to estimate the parameters of an exponential-gamma convolution?
Simple solution v = fminsearch(@(v) sum(abs(Data - YourGammaConvolutionFunction(v(1), v(2), v(3))).^2), [v01 v02 v03]); ...
9年以上 前 | 0
How to prepare data set from an Image to find out number of clusters automatically?
What do you mean cluster? The image processing toolbox has functions for doing this (if you mean a cluster is when all adjacent ...
How to prepare data set from an Image to find out number of clusters automatically?
What do you mean cluster? The image processing toolbox has functions for doing this (if you mean a cluster is when all adjacent ...
9年以上 前 | 0
| 採用済み
How to continue GPIB reading with fscanf after EOI?
Try using fgetl to read the whole line, and then you can perform some error checking or different parsing rules. Also, surely...
How to continue GPIB reading with fscanf after EOI?
Try using fgetl to read the whole line, and then you can perform some error checking or different parsing rules. Also, surely...
9年以上 前 | 0
Nested For loops- Pleeease HELP!!
* Your code could easily be vectorized. * *never* use i or j for indexing because these are used for sqrt(-1) and can easily c...
Nested For loops- Pleeease HELP!!
* Your code could easily be vectorized. * *never* use i or j for indexing because these are used for sqrt(-1) and can easily c...
9年以上 前 | 0
Which camera should i use to acquire real time video to matlab
If you cannot narrow down your choice based on specifications, pick any! http://uk.mathworks.com/hardware-support/basler-came...
Which camera should i use to acquire real time video to matlab
If you cannot narrow down your choice based on specifications, pick any! http://uk.mathworks.com/hardware-support/basler-came...
9年以上 前 | 0
Logical or not logical?
* All numbers are by default of class type "double" (unless specifically cast as int etc.). * Logical values are of class "logi...
Logical or not logical?
* All numbers are by default of class type "double" (unless specifically cast as int etc.). * Logical values are of class "logi...
9年以上 前 | 2
Positive Semi-definite Matrix Problem
FYI: C' is conjugate transpose - you should use C.' if you don't want the complex conjugate. If it is indeed due to a numeric...
Positive Semi-definite Matrix Problem
FYI: C' is conjugate transpose - you should use C.' if you don't want the complex conjugate. If it is indeed due to a numeric...
9年以上 前 | 0
Which camera should i use to acquire real time video to matlab
Look here http://uk.mathworks.com/hardware-support/index.html?q=product%3A%22Image%20Acquisition%20Toolbox%22 It took about ...
Which camera should i use to acquire real time video to matlab
Look here http://uk.mathworks.com/hardware-support/index.html?q=product%3A%22Image%20Acquisition%20Toolbox%22 It took about ...
9年以上 前 | 0