Sean de Wolski
Bouncing Bumbles LLC
2011 年からアクティブ
Followers: 0 Following: 0
Programming Languages:
Python, MATLAB, HTML, Visual Basic
Spoken Languages:
Python, MATLAB, HTML, Visual Basic
Spoken Languages:
currentProject() function in Parallel Computing Toolbox
You can open the project on all workers before the loop with parfevalOnAll. gcp rf = currentProject().RootFolder parfevalOnAl...
currentProject() function in Parallel Computing Toolbox
You can open the project on all workers before the loop with parfevalOnAll. gcp rf = currentProject().RootFolder parfevalOnAl...
約2年 前 | 3
| 採用済み
Why will categorical not convert this cell string?
The left-hand side was a cell. So it successfully converted the right-hand side to categorical but then could not stick the cat...
Why will categorical not convert this cell string?
The left-hand side was a cell. So it successfully converted the right-hand side to categorical but then could not stick the cat...
約2年 前 | 0
| 採用済み
Smart indent new bheaviour (removing whitespaces) is messing with Git
This isn't a direct answer to your question but a couple ideas: 1) In my opinion, the new behavior is smarter. There shouldn't...
Smart indent new bheaviour (removing whitespaces) is messing with Git
This isn't a direct answer to your question but a couple ideas: 1) In my opinion, the new behavior is smarter. There shouldn't...
2年以上 前 | 1
Can Matlab append figures to an existing PDF file?
In newer releases you can do this with exportgraphics. See the section on appending.
Can Matlab append figures to an existing PDF file?
In newer releases you can do this with exportgraphics. See the section on appending.
2年以上 前 | 0
Creating Geometry for PDE model
What about the doc example isn't sufficient for you? It literally creates a rectangle. geometryFromEdges
Creating Geometry for PDE model
What about the doc example isn't sufficient for you? It literally creates a rectangle. geometryFromEdges
2年以上 前 | 0
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Capitalize 1st word of an character array
s = "99this" firstletter = letterBoundary("start")+lettersPattern(1) replace(s, firstletter, upper(extract(s, firstletter)))
Capitalize 1st word of an character array
s = "99this" firstletter = letterBoundary("start")+lettersPattern(1) replace(s, firstletter, upper(extract(s, firstletter)))
2年以上 前 | 0
Find and Replace (MATLAB)
strip(extractAfter('Adak Island, AK',",")) And see the other fun methods of string to figure out how to manipulate the part you...
Find and Replace (MATLAB)
strip(extractAfter('Adak Island, AK',",")) And see the other fun methods of string to figure out how to manipulate the part you...
3年弱 前 | 1
| 採用済み
Is there a built-in function to validate a class property that should be a cell array?
I think you'll have to write your own. Must be underlying type is for distributed, gpuArrays and others that masquerade as the ...
Is there a built-in function to validate a class property that should be a cell array?
I think you'll have to write your own. Must be underlying type is for distributed, gpuArrays and others that masquerade as the ...
3年弱 前 | 0
How to vectorize the following operations?
This ought to do it for you in one shot. pagemtimes d = 4; n = 5; A = rand(d,d,n); x = rand(d,n); y = rand(d,n); % for-...
How to vectorize the following operations?
This ought to do it for you in one shot. pagemtimes d = 4; n = 5; A = rand(d,d,n); x = rand(d,n); y = rand(d,n); % for-...
3年弱 前 | 0
How can I avoid errors related to a datatip when deleting a figure?
Not sure why you're parenting to [], that doesn't make sense. Just delete the figure with your MWE works fine. (Still probably...
How can I avoid errors related to a datatip when deleting a figure?
Not sure why you're parenting to [], that doesn't make sense. Just delete the figure with your MWE works fine. (Still probably...
3年弱 前 | 0
Create tables based on partial match in variable names in other table
Convert your cellstrs to strings string(t.Properties.VariableNames) Then you can use any of the easy string matching functions...
Create tables based on partial match in variable names in other table
Convert your cellstrs to strings string(t.Properties.VariableNames) Then you can use any of the easy string matching functions...
3年弱 前 | 0
Help with code, writematrix not working. Please help fix
which -all writematrix which -all mpower
Help with code, writematrix not working. Please help fix
which -all writematrix which -all mpower
3年弱 前 | 0
How do I pass by reference, a structure to a function (an .m file) in an argument list?
Author a simple handle class that has the structure as a property classdef referenceStruct < handle properties S s...
How do I pass by reference, a structure to a function (an .m file) in an argument list?
Author a simple handle class that has the structure as a property classdef referenceStruct < handle properties S s...
3年弱 前 | 0
| 採用済み
How do I pass an object into a timer callback function?
Pass cam in with an anonymous function when you create the timer cam = camera t = timer(TimerFcn=@(~,~)checkFinished(cam)) ...
How do I pass an object into a timer callback function?
Pass cam in with an anonymous function when you create the timer cam = camera t = timer(TimerFcn=@(~,~)checkFinished(cam)) ...
3年弱 前 | 0
| 採用済み
Show viscircles results in App Designer
Specify the app UIAxes as the first input a = uiaxes; % replace with you app.UIAxes imshow('coins.png',Parent=a) [centers,rad...
Show viscircles results in App Designer
Specify the app UIAxes as the first input a = uiaxes; % replace with you app.UIAxes imshow('coins.png',Parent=a) [centers,rad...
3年弱 前 | 1
| 採用済み
Extracting xyzpoints from Point Cloud
The location is the xyz points and it's 2d, not 3d like how you're indexing it. points3d = ptCloud.Location.'; Would give you...
Extracting xyzpoints from Point Cloud
The location is the xyz points and it's 2d, not 3d like how you're indexing it. points3d = ptCloud.Location.'; Would give you...
3年弱 前 | 1
| 採用済み
Creating tables on MS Word
This is exactly what the MATLAB Report Generator does really well. Look at the sections on tables and images, here: https://ww...
Creating tables on MS Word
This is exactly what the MATLAB Report Generator does really well. Look at the sections on tables and images, here: https://ww...
3年弱 前 | 0
How to publish as pdf from command tab
Open the function and go to the publish tab in the toolstrip. From there, click the dropdown under the publish icon for settings...
How to publish as pdf from command tab
Open the function and go to the publish tab in the toolstrip. From there, click the dropdown under the publish icon for settings...
3年弱 前 | 1
Is it a good idea to overload subsref to mimic MATLAB's griddedInterpolant behavior?
Personally, i.e. not speaking for my corporate overlords, I don't like this design pattern. I prefer a well-named "evaluate" me...
Is it a good idea to overload subsref to mimic MATLAB's griddedInterpolant behavior?
Personally, i.e. not speaking for my corporate overlords, I don't like this design pattern. I prefer a well-named "evaluate" me...
約3年 前 | 1
How to fix auto-reflow issues?
In 21b you can remove autoreflow from the Canvas Tab>Convert. They named the feature to remove it after me because I was in the...
How to fix auto-reflow issues?
In 21b you can remove autoreflow from the Canvas Tab>Convert. They named the feature to remove it after me because I was in the...
約3年 前 | 0
| 採用済み
Why Matlab does not see Python?
Looks like you have 32-bit python. You need 64-bit Python.
Why Matlab does not see Python?
Looks like you have 32-bit python. You need 64-bit Python.
約3年 前 | 0
Convert python numpy 2D array to matlab 2D array
What is the underlying python class of your ndarray? It doesn't seem to be recognized by double. Here, I create it with int8 a...
Convert python numpy 2D array to matlab 2D array
What is the underlying python class of your ndarray? It doesn't seem to be recognized by double. Here, I create it with int8 a...
約3年 前 | 1
Using function of newer MATLAB version in older version
Sounds like you might be looking for wrapTo360 et al. in Mapping Toolbox: https://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2021b/map/re...
Using function of newer MATLAB version in older version
Sounds like you might be looking for wrapTo360 et al. in Mapping Toolbox: https://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2021b/map/re...
約3年 前 | 0
Create Text Box in PowerPoint file
All you have to do is set X/Y/Width/Height properties of the TextBox presentation element. See this example that does exactly w...
Create Text Box in PowerPoint file
All you have to do is set X/Y/Width/Height properties of the TextBox presentation element. See this example that does exactly w...
約3年 前 | 0
Call a MATLAB function from .NET program
Call a MATLAB function from .NET program
約3年 前 | 0
Generating an STL of a paraboloid surface made out of hexagons
1) yes 2) Look at stlwrite and triangulation.
Generating an STL of a paraboloid surface made out of hexagons
1) yes 2) Look at stlwrite and triangulation.
約3年 前 | 1
surf indices reversed?
I think you're seeing the difference between meshgrid and ndgrid. Meshgrid is used for plotting, ndgrid for matrix/tensor work ...
surf indices reversed?
I think you're seeing the difference between meshgrid and ndgrid. Meshgrid is used for plotting, ndgrid for matrix/tensor work ...
約3年 前 | 2
Sending input() from Python API
This works if you start the MATLAB engine with the desktop: import matlab.engine eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab('-desktop'...
Sending input() from Python API
This works if you start the MATLAB engine with the desktop: import matlab.engine eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab('-desktop'...
約3年 前 | 0
How can I iterate across the opposite diagonal?
full(flip(gallery('tridiag', 8, 4, 6, 4), 2))
How can I iterate across the opposite diagonal?
full(flip(gallery('tridiag', 8, 4, 6, 4), 2))
約3年 前 | 0