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how to define global coastline shapefile (boundary line) for a pcolor plot of data having range from 0 to 360 instead of -180 to 180
Thank you Umar for your reply, I have tried the way that you have mentioned but it displays the following error Error using...
how to define global coastline shapefile (boundary line) for a pcolor plot of data having range from 0 to 360 instead of -180 to 180
Thank you Umar for your reply, I have tried the way that you have mentioned but it displays the following error Error using...
8ヶ月 前 | 0
how to define global coastline shapefile (boundary line) for a pcolor plot of data having range from 0 to 360 instead of -180 to 180
Hello all, I was juts doing some seasurface temperature plots which has the range longitude from 0 to 360, the sample plot and ...
8ヶ月 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Shapefile not overlapping perfectly over pcolor plot
I am trying to plot a pcolor plot for Sea surface temperature data set and to represent the coastaline in the plot i have downlo...
8ヶ月 前 | 0 件の回答 | 0
How to change the color of shapefile in pcolor plot
I have a pcolor global plot over which i have imposed a worldcoastal shapefile. However, i wish to change the default color fro...
8ヶ月 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
How to regrid along latitude and longitude of a 3d mat file
Hello people! I have a mat file which has the dimensions of 1440x600x365 (0.25x0.25 gridded data ranging from 180° W : 180° E...
1年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0