obtain information on excel files
I guess if you know VBA then you can use to get what u want after opening with activeX server. for example below, sheets and co...
obtain information on excel files
I guess if you know VBA then you can use to get what u want after opening with activeX server. for example below, sheets and co...
5年以上 前 | 0
How to cluster the intensities in a gray scale image?
you can use, median filtering first and provide the resultant image to K-means. You would have use k-means X-times for reducing ...
How to cluster the intensities in a gray scale image?
you can use, median filtering first and provide the resultant image to K-means. You would have use k-means X-times for reducing ...
11年弱 前 | 0
how to simplify connected blobs
Hi, i have a binary image. I can find the boundaries with the bwboundaries and get point list of boundary of a each blobs and p...
11年弱 前 | 2 件の回答 | 0
making column of zero matrix equal to one based on another matrix
Hi , I have a zero matrix (A) of size mxn where m in number of observation and n number of feature. I have another non zero ...
約11年 前 | 2 件の回答 | 0
line prunning after skelelton
Hi I am doing some road detection stuff with satellite imagery. So i have detected some roads, and i want to find its end poin...
約11年 前 | 1 件の回答 | 1
opening by reconstruction results
I know the algorithm how it works. For illustration process i want to visualise output of opening by reconstruction in each iter...
11年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Compressing a logical array into a bit-wise boolean representation
may be bwpack is function you are looking. from help. BWP = bwpack(BW) packs the uint8 binary image BW into the uint32 arr...
Compressing a logical array into a bit-wise boolean representation
may be bwpack is function you are looking. from help. BWP = bwpack(BW) packs the uint8 binary image BW into the uint32 arr...
11年以上 前 | 1
| 採用済み
How do I call BLOCKPROC with more than one input image?
i have two images,and have a function which requires 3x3 sliding window data from both image A and image B. Is there a way to ge...
11年以上 前 | 2 件の回答 | 1
specifying colors in gplotmatrix
i am ploting some data with gplotmatrix, and i have more than seven categories which i want to plot in different colors. gplot a...
11年以上 前 | 2 件の回答 | 0
efficient use of extracting mean over segments
Hello, I have image (Iseg) where i have number of segments. Each segments is represented by unique number in Iseg. The segments...
約12年 前 | 2 件の回答 | 0
calculating an expression in an efficient way
this is what i tried so far. Image = zeros(10,10); % put ones Image(5,5)=1; Image(10,10)=1; [x,y]=mes...
calculating an expression in an efficient way
this is what i tried so far. Image = zeros(10,10); % put ones Image(5,5)=1; Image(10,10)=1; [x,y]=mes...
12年以上 前 | 0
calculating an expression in an efficient way
I have binary image size mxn with K number of 1's at different location (Xk,Yk). Now i want to produce a spatial voting image s...
12年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Count photos
Given n people, everyone must have pictures taken with everyone, each photo includes only two persons, please count the total nu...
12年以上 前
quasi flat zone labelling ( Morphology analysis)
Anybody aware of matlab code written to perform quasi flat zone labelling for multichannell image first proposed by Peter solie ...
12年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
treebagger random forest
In the help file, it is stated that setting Setting 'NVarToSample' argument to any valid value but 'all' invokes Breiman's 'ra...
12年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
reading from txtfile
i have a txt file,from which i want to read following lines into matlab. How can I read it ? class lookup = { 0, 0,...
13年弱 前 | 2 件の回答 | 0
changing text orientation of lcolorbar
I want to change the orientation of lcolorbar! I want my text align verticle, i.e i want to rotate texts besides colorbar by 90 ...
13年弱 前 | 2 件の回答 | 0
sorting a matrix according to another matrix
A=[ 0.3 1;0.4 2; 0.1 3] B=[1 6; 3 8 ;2 11] [tf, loc] = ismember(A(:,2), B(:,1)) B_value = B(:,2); result=[ A(:,2) ...
sorting a matrix according to another matrix
A=[ 0.3 1;0.4 2; 0.1 3] B=[1 6; 3 8 ;2 11] [tf, loc] = ismember(A(:,2), B(:,1)) B_value = B(:,2); result=[ A(:,2) ...
約13年 前 | 0
| 採用済み
how to detect red color
A = imread('http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7192/6915806857_cfb9d98996_m.jpg'); imshow(A,[]) B= A(:,:,3); % your blue band...
how to detect red color
A = imread('http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7192/6915806857_cfb9d98996_m.jpg'); imshow(A,[]) B= A(:,:,3); % your blue band...
約13年 前 | 1
| 採用済み
"""Index exceeds matrix dimensions. Error in ==> test at 96 ny = abs(g(floor(mel(f)))); % Mel warping """"...when i run this program ,error is coming...plsss help me
Why dont u just debug it ?
"""Index exceeds matrix dimensions. Error in ==> test at 96 ny = abs(g(floor(mel(f)))); % Mel warping """"...when i run this program ,error is coming...plsss help me
Why dont u just debug it ?
約13年 前 | 0
| 採用済み
why is the magnitude of a window 1?
because doors have magnitude of 2 and usually window are smaller than doors. jokes apart, give some information what u talkin...
why is the magnitude of a window 1?
because doors have magnitude of 2 and usually window are smaller than doors. jokes apart, give some information what u talkin...
約13年 前 | 0
beginner - creating a list to plot
look at the ezplot function for more info: type doc ezplot in matlab
beginner - creating a list to plot
look at the ezplot function for more info: type doc ezplot in matlab
約13年 前 | 0
linking polar plot with image data
I have a direction(nxn) and magnitude (nxn) images. I generate a polar plot by polar(direction(:), magnitude(:)); Now i...
約13年 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0