getting the arrays stored for Simulation Data Inspector to plot in Scope Block?
I want to use the feature of comparing the results of different runs, which is availbale in the Simulation Data Inspector. I wan...
6年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Holding a value for a specific time with zero order hold block in Simulink
<</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/129258/grafik.png>> I want to hold the newest peak (the last peak – input changing fr...
6年以上 前 | 0 件の回答 | 0
loading multiple .mat files from current directory
Hi, Is there a way to load all the .mat files together into the base workspace? files = dir('*.mat') gives a structure ...
12年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
controlling the size of mask dialog box in SIMULINK
is there any option to control the size of the mask dialog box of a masked subsystem? When there are many paramters to be di...
12年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
computing area between 2 curves
I have two curves from the 2 vetctors as a result of simulation. I want to find the area between these 2 curves. The curves are ...
12年以上 前 | 2 件の回答 | 0
Is there a way to just superimpose two figure windows?
Using figure property editor, figure palette etc. one can plot any number of arrays (of same length) from the workspace in a plo...
Is there a way to just superimpose two figure windows?
Using figure property editor, figure palette etc. one can plot any number of arrays (of same length) from the workspace in a plo...
13年弱 前 | 0
Delaying a continuous signal for a user specified duration in SIMULINK
Hello, I have a case that I want to delay the ouput of a continuous signal from a start time to end time. I know that using t...
13年弱 前 | 1 件の回答 | 1