Sajid Khan
2012 年からアクティブ
Followers: 0 Following: 0
I am interested in image processing using MATLAB
Professional Interests: Programming
How to perform Distribution type detection using histogram automatically?
<</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/5092/impulse.jpg>> << <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/5091/gaussian.jpg>...
11年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
In Quiver Function Error: " index must be a positive integer or logical."
use clear all before executing your code.
In Quiver Function Error: " index must be a positive integer or logical."
use clear all before executing your code.
11年以上 前 | 0
| 採用済み
Getting cetral weighted value in an Array
Hi there, Suppose I have an Array a = [0 0 1 1 1 2 3 5 6 7 7 99 100] It's median value is 3 for sure, but center weight...
11年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Where to download fuzzy tools for matlab 2013 b
Hi Everyone, I have to use ANFIS using simulink or Matlab. I found from internet that I have to use ANFIS tool by calling anf...
11年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
calculating kurtosis of impulse noise
Hi Everyone, I want to know the kurtosis of salt and pepper noise. It's a noise which are added on the extreme values of an i...
12年弱 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Calculating kurtosis and skewness using moment function
Hi Everyone, I am trying to calculate skewness and kurtosis of an image. Kurtosis is 4th order moment while skewness is 3rd o...
12年弱 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Generating training sequences of noises and finding kurtosis and skewness of them
Hi everyone, I am trying to generate training sequences of different noises but I am not confirmed that whether am doing it i...
12年弱 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
Hi there, I am debugging a code in matlab, but sometime it starts to give me the error "Subscript indices must either be real...
12年弱 前 | 2 件の回答 | 1
Failed to add uniform noise to the image
Hi Everyone, I am trying to add uniform noise using the following syntax, image = ones([512,512])*128; A = .1; B = .2;...
12年弱 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
Regarding blind evaluation of noise types in image
Hi there, I am working on a scenario where one don't have any prior information about noise type, what I will be doing is tha...
12年弱 前 | 0 件の回答 | 0
The value of variance in function imnoise in case of gaussian is a bit confusing
Thanks you so much for your kind reply, your answer really is helpful. Can you please tell me what is the maximum gaussian noi...
The value of variance in function imnoise in case of gaussian is a bit confusing
Thanks you so much for your kind reply, your answer really is helpful. Can you please tell me what is the maximum gaussian noi...
12年弱 前 | 0
The value of variance in function imnoise in case of gaussian is a bit confusing
Hi Everyone, I am trying to add gaussian noise to image with some variance and mean, generally variance of 50 is considerab...
12年弱 前 | 2 件の回答 | 0
Please help me implementing code of histogram equalization.
Hi there, am trying to implement histogram equalization, I have implemented the following code, function [ output_image ] = ...
12年以上 前 | 0 件の回答 | 0