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How to reshape an array horizontally
I know it's not the class used in que question, but it's just to share how to do it with strings. In case a string array is use...
How to reshape an array horizontally
I know it's not the class used in que question, but it's just to share how to do it with strings. In case a string array is use...
9ヶ月 前 | 0
If I try to use `sprintf` to format a string as numeric, why does a different number get passed?
When you write C='10'; C is a char array, i.e. an array with two elements of class char, which are '1' and '0'. These are cha...
If I try to use `sprintf` to format a string as numeric, why does a different number get passed?
When you write C='10'; C is a char array, i.e. an array with two elements of class char, which are '1' and '0'. These are cha...
2年以上 前 | 0
How to reduce the file size of a saved histogram figure
In the following code, I have a histogram showing 100 bins, therefore the amount of data shown in this figure is quite small. Ho...
2年以上 前 | 2 件の回答 | 0
When execute the below code ? the error message appear 'Index exceeds the number of array elements'?
M_h and M are string arrays because you used "". Here, you want to work with char arrays using '' (See for example these links f...
When execute the below code ? the error message appear 'Index exceeds the number of array elements'?
M_h and M are string arrays because you used "". Here, you want to work with char arrays using '' (See for example these links f...
2年以上 前 | 0
| 採用済み
Plot alternatively between uitab of two figures
I want two figures, where each figure has several tabs, and I want to plot tab per tab alternatively between the two figures (i....
2年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0
String Manipulation
Since R2016b, you can also use extractBefore. filename_with_extension = "abcdefhijklm.xlsx"; filename_without_extension = extr...
String Manipulation
Since R2016b, you can also use extractBefore. filename_with_extension = "abcdefhijklm.xlsx"; filename_without_extension = extr...
2年以上 前 | 0
How to put in color a certain part of the background in a plot with matlab?
You can also use fill. In case you are using a legend on your plot, what is plotted with fill will be listed in the legend, whe...
How to put in color a certain part of the background in a plot with matlab?
You can also use fill. In case you are using a legend on your plot, what is plotted with fill will be listed in the legend, whe...
2年以上 前 | 0
For loop faster than vectors?
I was thinking that for loops were usually slower than vector or matrix operations, but a simple example showed me the opposite....
3年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0