Wan Ji
Followers: 0 Following: 0
Research Interest: computational mechanics and modeling the world
Programming Languages:
Python, C++, C, MATLAB, Fortran
Spoken Languages:
English, French, Chinese
Python, C++, C, MATLAB, Fortran
Spoken Languages:
English, French, Chinese
read abaqus input file to get the nodes and elements
This readinp function can load the node and element data from abaqus inp file.
5ヶ月 前 | ダウンロード 12 件 |
Rotate 3d object by local coordinate axis of two vectors
This function is for rotating an object by two perpendicular vectors. I rotate the x-axis to e1 vector direction and y-axis to e...
3年以上 前 | ダウンロード 1 件 |
Read abaqus input file to get the data, nodes or elements
This version extracts more data from abaqus input file like the nodes, elements, element types, as well as node sets, element se...
3年以上 前 | ダウンロード 4 件 |
add all the same-sized symbol matrices in a cell array
adding matrices inside cell array
3年以上 前 | ダウンロード 1 件 |
3D voronoi via fem mesh, the voronoi3d class, visualization
The project defines a voronoi3d class, which can generate 3d voronoi polyhedrons from fem mesh and visualize them
3年以上 前 | ダウンロード 11 件 |
FEM mesh for rectangular or cuboid, postprocess, conversion
The project aims to produce 2d or 3d finite element mesh on a rectangular or cuboid and postprocessing contour are presented
3年以上 前 | ダウンロード 3 件 |