GOES16 File Reader

作成者: Stephen Forczyk
This is a large collection of files designed to read output the GOES16/17 meteorological satellite and plot them on georeferenced maps
更新 2021/7/17
This is an extensive set of Matlab scripts (over 250) to read GOES 16 data products usually taken from the AWS S3 bucket (http://home.chpc.utah.edu/~u0553130/Brian_Blaylock/cgi-bin/goes16_download.cgi?source=aws&satellite=noaa-goes16&domain=F&product=ABI-L2-CMIP&date=2020-07-12&hour=0). After decode most products can be plotted on georeferenced maps using the Mapping Toolbox and a very extensive set of mapping data files included. A small starter set of GOES data was included for Aug 26,2020.
A Python package of files is included to download datafiles from the AWS site.
The user should go to the external website and download the folders one by one (not all at once). Download these files to your personal computer-membership in Dropbox is not needed.
A detailed manual is included with the submission (GOES16ReaderV1.docx)
The primary folder that needs to be added in the Matlab path is the Code folder. No installer script included


Stephen Forczyk

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2020a
R2018b 以降 R2020b 以前と互換性あり
Windows macOS Linux

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