A MATLAB Script for Trans-Earth TCM Trajectory Optimization

バージョン 1.1.0 (30.2 MB) 作成者: David Eagle
MATLAB script that can be used to optimize an impulsive trajectory correction maneuver (TCM) during the Trans-Earth phase of lunarflight.
ダウンロード: 59
更新 2021/7/18


This contribution is a MATLAB script named transearth_tcm_otb.m that can be used to design and optimize an impulsive trajectory correction maneuver (TCM) during the trans-Earth phase of lunar flight. The algorithm uses a simple shooting method to achieve user-defined Earth relative flight path coordinates at the Earth entry interface (EI) while attempting to minimize the scalar magnitude of the impulsive TCM delta-v vector. This script uses the fmincon function of the MATLAB Optimization Toolbox to solve this trajectory optimization problem.
The software allows the user to specify the order and degree of the Earth gravity model used in the geocentric equations of motion. The user also has the option to include point-mass gravity perturbations of the Sun and Moon.


David Eagle (2024). A MATLAB Script for Trans-Earth TCM Trajectory Optimization (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/93205-a-matlab-script-for-trans-earth-tcm-trajectory-optimization), MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2019b
Windows macOS Linux

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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

Updated several MATLAB functions and the PDF documentation.
