
Ginput with zoom-in, select, all-zoom out
ダウンロード: 3.1K
更新 2005/11/28


ZINPUT - Graphical input from mouse with zoom

[OUT_REGS] = ZINPUT(N) gets N points or regions from the current axes and returns the X- and Y-ranges in a length Nx4 matrix OUT_REGS.
The cursor can be positioned using the mouse. Data points are entered by pressing the right mouse button (OUT_REGS(1)==OUT_REGS(2)==point_X), the region of the current axis are selected with the middle button, left button is for zooming, single cklick zooms in, click-and drag zooms to selected region (and doubble-click should zoom out - this feature is pending).
Any key on the keyboard except carriage return zooms out to the orignal axis. Carriage return/Enter, which terminates the input before N points are entered.

[OUT_REGS] = ZINPUT gathers an unlimited number of points until the return key is pressed.


Bjorn Gustavsson (2025). zinput (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/9127-zinput), MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

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作成: R13SP1
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ヒントを得たファイル: zoom2cursor

ヒントを与えたファイル: ginput2.m v3.1 (Nov 2009)

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