
バージョン (23.3 KB) 作成者: Mario Malic
Provides UI for optimoptions in MATLAB
ダウンロード: 136
更新 2020/12/6

Function uioptimoptions provides a simple UI for users who would like to edit the solver options interactively

This function will create a optim.options.Solvername class with the
settings obtained from the user input in UI

Example: opts = uioptimoptions
Output: optim.options.Solvername class

06-Dec-2020, release

Note: This is my first MATLAB FEX submission, therefore all comments, suggestions, hints are more than welcome. Should you encounter any issues, please let me know.


Mario Malic (2024). uioptimoptions (https://github.com/MarioMalic/uioptimoptions/releases/tag/, GitHub. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2020b
R2020b と互換性あり
Windows macOS Linux

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