Modeling Orbital Maneuvers with MATLAB

バージョン 1.1.0 (8.11 MB) 作成者: David Eagle
Five MATLAB scripts for modeling impulsive and finite-burn orbital maneuvers
ダウンロード: 518
更新 2024/6/3


Five MATLAB scripts that can used to perform orbit modifications using both impulsive and finite-burn maneuvers. Several of these scripts create graphic displays of the initial, transfer and final orbits. All five scripts are “data-driven” by simple text files created by the user.
(1) two impulse maneuvers for changing semimajor axis and eccentricity
(2) single impulse transfer between intersecting orbits
(3) finite burn orbit transfer
(4) modeling finite-burn orbital maneuvers with modified equinoctial elements
(5) single impulse rotation of the line of apsides of an elliptical orbit


David Eagle (2024). Modeling Orbital Maneuvers with MATLAB (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2020a
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