
バージョン 0.1 (419 KB) 作成者: Alex Voronov
MATLAB function for plotting maps from OpenStreetMap and OpenSeaMap on the background of a figure
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更新 2020/5/11

MATLAB function for plotting maps from OpenStreetMap and OpenSeaMap on the background of a figure.

Plotting several points on a map in Gothenburg archipelago and adding base map from OpenStreetMap (water and land) and overlaying with sea markings from OpenSeaMap.

x = [11.6639 11.7078 11.7754 11.8063 11.8797];
y = [57.6078 57.6473 57.6607 57.6804 57.6886];
figure; plot(x, y, 'o-', 'LineWidth', 2);
hBase = plot_openstreetmap('Alpha', 0.4, 'Scale', 2); % Basemap.
hSea = plot_openstreetmap('Alpha', 0.5, 'Scale', 2, 'BaseUrl', ""); % Sea marks.


Alexey Voronov (2019). plot_openstreetmap (, GitHub. Retrieved July 1, 2019.

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作成: R2019a
R2014b 以降のリリースと互換性あり
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ヒントを得たファイル: zoharby/plot_google_map, Automatic Map Scale Generation

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