Camera Color Correction Toolbox

バージョン 1.0.0 (12.4 MB) 作成者: Jueqin Qiu
This toolbox makes it easy to calculate the optimal color correction matrix (CCM) for digital camera color correction.
ダウンロード: 483
更新 2020/11/6

Camera Color Correction Toolbox makes it easy to calculate the optimal color correction matrix between the camera responses and the targets by minimizing nonlinear loss function. This toolbox can seamlessly cooperate with other modules in the Image Signal Processing pipeline like spatial nonuniformity correction, white-balancing, etc.

Following color correction models are supported:

* Linear transformation
* Polynomial regression
* Root-polynomial regression

Please see this .gif for a rough impression:


Jueqin Qiu (2024). Camera Color Correction Toolbox (, GitHub. 取得済み .

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